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What Would Your Dog Sound Like If It Could Talk?

Guest HarperGD

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Guest HarperGD

A silly topic but I just always find myself wondering this with all my animals!

I personally think my puppy Harper would sound like the talking tea cup off Beauty and the Beast. An inquisitive kid! :D


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Charlie will have a loud and booming voice..

Emmy will probably have a husky girlie voice but can put on a sweetie girlie voice to try to get her way with stuff.

(this is on the based on how they usually sound and bark)

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Indie would absolutly have Sean Connery's voice, he is so laid back,docile and acts like a wise old man despite being a teenager. Very "regal" in personality lol. Heaven forbid you should ask him do to something ungentleman like!

Astrid (promise I will put her in my sig soon), hmmm, not sure. Someone with an annoying high pitched voice and hyper active personality "GIMME THE BALL! GIMME THE BALL! ....GIMME THE FOOD!GIMME THE FOOD!...PAT ME! PAT ME! PAT ME!" All the while bouncing in the air like "Tiger". Suggestions?

Bonnie was deffinatly Cameron Diaz. Fun loving, feminine yet feisty and deffinatly had her blonde moments like alot of Cameron's roles lol.

Deffinatly put wayyy too much thought into that!

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Jesie my cocker I think would have a french accent but it would be rather common!

Jodie my beagle X would have a stuck up english accent or a spanish accent I think.

We thank god that Jesie cant talk because she never shuts up! :laugh:

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The old girl Morgan controls our world

so I could well imagine that she would be a very vocal old trout. Well she is anyway. Barking for this and that. I love it when we ask her to speak up and she puckers up her lips and woofs. (Am amazed that the parrots havent started barking. They already tell the dogs off. "Morgan, Maggie stop it!. Come on come on, stop doing that.)

I want this, I want that..feed me NOW. Let me in. I WANT to sleep on your bed. I DO NOT want to go out.

Turn the heater on NOW.

But we love her. Cause it is all about Morgan.

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Clancy, our GSD of 5 1/2 would sound like George Clooney! Sophisticated and comical at the same time. ;)

Bonnie (Cavalier nearly 4) would sound very sweet and loving, like Bambi's mum in the Disney movie.

Crystal (Cav 2 1/2)would sound like a posh Londoner, who sometimes has too much to drink, get a bit tipsy and lets her guard down! :rofl: I just described by little sister heheheh :drink:

And Clover (Cav 9 months) would have the voice of a 10 year old girl who giggles a bit. :curtsey:

Edited by LizT
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Roxy doesn't bark often, but if i go by her actions and the looks she gives she would have to sound like Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) Can be sooky and tries to suck up (imagine Hannah Montatnas "Pleeeease" :o:laugh: ) but also have that sort of deep/squealy husky voice when shes excited.

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Flute would totally have a listhp and talk in very excited child like voice.

For some reason Sienna has the voice of Dawn French from the Vicar of Dibly and talks to Flute much like the vicar talks to Alice :laugh: I have no idea why as Flute is quite smart, but in my head this it is!

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Dory would be sound like Oliver Twist...*sad sack look, pouty lip* "Ppplleeease Sir, Can I have some more".

When she's not doing that, she'd be the typical Teen, "Whateva...", grunted at you.

If I had to give her a voice as such...Hmmmmm....I'd say Meg Griffin..."Family Guy".

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Kiff would sound like a grumpy, old man- the kind that would yell at kids from the front lawn.

Yep got my own grumpy old man,one that would whack you with his walking stick.Maddie is so sweet and innocent I think she would sound like Judy Garland as Dorothy in the wizard of oz."Stan I don't think were in Kansas anymore".Stan:"Thank God for that I hate Kansas(grumble grumble)" :laugh:

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Annie, who was born in Sweden, would have a Swedish accent. 'Yar must be yoking!'

Nina Zena who is true- blue Australian born, would say, 'Huh?'

No wonder they usually talk to each other in Tibetan. :)

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Spike - like Carson Kressley - "Sparkle hands, sparkle hands!"

Rex - like Pierce Brosnan - "Bond, James Bond"

Cooper - like Vin Diesel - "It doesn't matter if you win by a second or a mile, winning is winning!"

Jonty - like Dug from the movie "Up" - "I was hiding under your porch because I love you."

Rookie - like George Clooney - "You're either in or you're out. Right now."

Sully - like Jim Carrey - "It's party time. P, A, R, T. Why? Because I gotta!"

Ollie - like Ben Affleck - "Oh man. Well, we all gotta die, right? I'm the guy who gets to do it saving the world."

Oscar - like the Commando - "Drop and give me 20 - NOW!!!"

Roary - like Jeffrey Donovan from Burn Notice - "This neighborhood is mine! You hear me? My neighborhood! My neighborhood! This neighborhood is MINE!"

Carbon - like Adam Levine from Maroon 5 - "Sunday morning rain is falling, steal some covers share some skin..........."

Ruff - like Macaulay Culkin before his voice broke - "You guys give up yet? Or are you thirsty for more?"

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