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Toilet Training


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Hello every one

I have a puppy from a so called breeder the problem is the 7month old will not go to the toilet out side I have had her for nearly 2 months and I have tried all I can think of any help would be great

Have you tried feeding her then sitting outside with her until she goes? When we train our dogs we make a big fuss and say "good boy/girl go wees" EVERYTIME they go to the toilet outside. They link the words for that the same way they link sit, stay etc. We find that this way when you take your dog outside and say "go wees" they will go and then you can bring them back inside. It's also helpful for when you intend to go in the car, you can get them to go to the toilet before you load them up!

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How long do you take her for walks? Doesnt she do anything then either? Just start as if she is an 8 week old pup again. Put her outside after naps, a play or whatever and as Luke and Beck said, praise her. Dont just open the door, push her out and let her sort it while she probably doesnt get the point.

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