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Are Siberian Huskies A Good Breed For A House With 5 Kids?

Aztec Gold

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My friend is interested in getting a husky pup ($700, no papers) and has 3 kids under 3 and two older kids. Husband works long hours. Do they require much training? I'm just concerned and want my friend to be prepared as I love her dearly and want the best for her :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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A good breeder will quiz the owners & inform them of there suitability BUT these people should have done there research & be fully aware of the Siberians pitfalls .

First off good fencing is a must they are amazing escape artists,the shed coat in bucket loads,they are very active,can be very stubborn & dominant .

They are wonderful dogs but not for lazy owners or owners who just want a dog to sit in the backyard with little time spent.

There not ideal for offleash runs BUT they can be trained with a good deal of time spent by there owners,an intrained Siberian like any dog will not be a pleasure & a Sibe with little time spent will seek its own fun & that is why there escape ability is well known & why they have a high dumpage rate.

They are active dogs & need owners who are committed sadly its seems alot of owners aren't & this breed suffers from to many BYB breeders & the dumpage rate .

Very easy to google the breed & get could sound infor on what the breed needs to be a well adjusted house member

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If they haven't done any research at all the breed is not for them.

All dogs require training, huskies can be very stubborn, they aren't dumb by any stretch, but they can be very independent.

Unless you put a LOT of work into teaching a recall then I wouldn't even consider it.

It takes a lot of work before you could trust them off leash.

Every registered breeders website says something along the lines of ' do not get a husky until you've done your research, these dogs are not for everyone!'

Also FWIW husky pups, raised in a healthy environment, with all nessesary vetwork etc etc don't cost any more than that

If they're after the husky look without the attitude another spitz like a lapphund may suit better

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i would say NO. they are not dogs for people who dont have time. they need alot of exercise and training. they are not for the adverage owner. also unless from a reg breeder i would not walk away RUN they can have temp issues.

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My friend is interested in getting a husky pup ($700, no papers) and has 3 kids under 3 and two older kids. Husband works long hours. Do they require much training? I'm just concerned and want my friend to be prepared as I love her dearly and want the best for her :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


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Just the fact that they have 3 kids under 3 years and a husband that works long hours I would say that they should wait a little while before taking on a puppy. A puppy alone is enough work for most people. :)

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Definite no. Sibes can be great with kids, mine has always been wonderful with them, but they are a breed that has a generally high exercise requirement, and needs regular and consistent training. Many Sibes also have a high prey drive. They are a spitz so in typical spitz fashion are stubborn, independent and strong willed. Absolutely NOT the dog for a busy family with young kids who have done no research into the breed's requirements.

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Definite no. Sibes can be great with kids, mine has always been wonderful with them, but they are a breed that has a generally high exercise requirement, and needs regular and consistent training. Many Sibes also have a high prey drive. They are a spitz so in typical spitz fashion are stubborn, independent and strong willed. Absolutely NOT the dog for a busy family with young kids who have done no research into the breed's requirements.

Agree, you see far to many dumped in shelters because owners did have time for one :(

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Yeah agreed with everyone else. NO WAY. For example...

Today I took my Sibe to obedience. Put her in her crate, went and got the lappie from the car. I hadn't latched the bottom latch on the crate properly. Walked lappie over to the crate just to see the Sibe racing off into the distance. She had pushed the bottom of the door out and crawled through. It took six people ten minutes to catch her, and she does agility and has a fairly good recall normally. She just decided it was a game of "screw you" and gave me the figurative finger.

They really are a breed where you never really know what they're going to do. Some days I can leave Akira in a sit stay for five minutes knowing she won't move. Some days I can work with her completely off leash. But there are some days where I don't trust her as far as I can throw her and today was definitely one of those days! You need to work extremely hard with them, and while a lot are good with kids (Akira adores them) I don't think you have enough time with three littlies to put in the amount of time needed.

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Guest Willow

Regardless of breed, I think she's completely mad for getting a puppy at all with three kids under three to care for....how on earth will she find time for the usual toilet training, basic manners training etc that ALL puppies need.

You mentioned they have a little outside-only dog.....are they getting a puppy in the hope that it will be a companion for the existing dog, therefore meaning they think they will have to put less effort into both dogs? That'a also a very bad idea.

Also, a puppy could find being in a household with three toddlers extremely overwhelming.

I only have one toddler at present, but I know how much work I put into making sure she gets what she needs day after day, without the added pressure of training a puppy. My dogs are older & well behaved, but I still don't have the time I used to, to keep up the training & exersise we used to do. Taking care of a puppy would make my head explode.

If she is serious about raising a Sibe properly, IMO she should wait until the littlest kid is at Kindy and then she will have some time during the day to put some real effort into training & raising th epup, and the kids will be old enough to have some grasp on how to behave around unpredictable puppies.

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Just the fact that they have 3 kids under 3 years and a husband that works long hours I would say that they should wait a little while before taking on a puppy. A puppy alone is enough work for most people. :)

Totally agree! We have 11 Siberians and a 5 year old boy. The dogs are absolutely wonderful with him but I am at home all day and have the time to put into all of them.

Five children would take up all of your friends' time let alone a new puppy, regardless of breed. My sister has four children under 8 and one Labrador. Guess where the Labrador spends alot of his time - yep, my place!!

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I say no ...

I have 3 kids , twins 21 mth and 4 years and when I knew we wanted another dog , I opted for a 2 year old Lab, grown up around kids previous... from a registered breeder . She has been terrific , we love her she is great with kids , sleeps inside , gets walked about 3-4 times a week at the moment ( mostly due to cold weather ) . When it warms up a bit we will go back to reg morning walk . The kids go outside and play she loves to supervise .. They think she is cool . She is such a good dog and good company . She comes inside during the day , and is a part of our family .

I want to get a malamute maybe ... But I am aware of the commitment of spitz breeds , and you need to have time to commit . So I am going to wait a while.

It really does not seem as if there would not be much spare time in a busy house , if they have set there heart on a husky .. Don't go for a pup - husky rescue for a suitable mature dog . Or do as I am .. Wait .

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