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Walking A Small Dog


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I have a friends small dog staying with me for 2,5 weeks in july and i was wondering how far - or for how long its ok to walk them. He will be walking with my lab so he has to walk pretty quick to keep up.

ETA i have never had a small dog before so im pretty clueless

Edited by Mason2009
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What breed, is he old, or fat or unsound in some way or is he fit and healthy with legs in proportion to his body and can breathe easily. If he's the latter I would think he'd probably keep up with your lab.

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every little dog that I've had something to do with (as long as they're were not old or overweight) has had way more energy than my big dogs and could definitely keep up, if not run rings around the bigger dogs!

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My little Maltese "Muffin" was more than capable to keep up with an old GSD x Collie Rough and young Rottweiler. He was only 3.5kgs or 4kgs on a fat day, he was in good nick for an old dog with buggered knees. The little fellas are pretty quick on their feet and the advantage if they do get tired you can carry them for a while without breaking your back. We used to take a back pack with us just for him if we were planning on a long walk - he loved it.

So I would say if your little companion is reasonably healthy then he will be a pleasant surprise just how much he will be able to keep up. At 3 kgs he would be a pretty active little dog. Have fun :thumbsup:

ETA: My Pugs can go on reasonable walks with the Rotties, Charli runs most of the way and has no worries keeping up with them. The walks are usually around 3-5 kms. I just don't walk them if it is getting too warm.

Edited by Andisa
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My little ones, whilst twice the size of your chi x, would happily run through the forests with a load of spaniels for 2 hrs :D

eta, anyway he's so tiny that if he gets tired you can just pick him up an pop him in your pocket :laugh:

Edited by CrazyCresties
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I think you have to judge from the individual dog. And take notice of what seems comfortable for this little dog.

I've got short-muzzled tibbies which means they don't get rid of body heat as efficiently. So I tend to take them on more shorter walks.....or staged walks with breaks. And I'm particularly careful of them in summer. They're built for fast bursts of speed, with their harefeet & low slung bodies. So good exercise for them is chase games with another dog that loves to run.

They often just spontaneously take off in blurred circles around the house & garden. Then, just as suddenly, stop. It's called 'wilding.'

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If he's fit and healthy, my guess is he'll walk the legs of both of you. :laugh:

Dont think he is too fit as he is not let offlead often as he does not recall and he is so quick no one can catch him lol

He is walked for about 20 mins a day by his owners

Edited by Mason2009
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Our 4 kg Pap x easily outwalks our grey and me - he is always disgusted when we turn for home even though he has to trot along whilst we walk just to keep up. You might find the little one wants to go way further than you.

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My chihuahua Rascal can and does walk for 2 hours and he is on the chubby side which I am working on. Rascal loves to go on walks actually his a chihuahua that hates to be picked up, he loves to lay on your lap but thats all. He hates to be carried around. Rascal chases Shelley around when we are on our walks.

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Unless it is hot (or god forbid RAINING!!), I can walk my Iggies 7 to 10 kilometres EASY....and they would STILL keep going, it's me that wants to go home. (and one of them only has three legs!)

They really LOVE their walkies, whereas my daughter's two couldn't care less.

I guess it's up to the individual dog(s) and what they are used to.

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Guest Willow

I fostered a TINY chi x who easily outwalked my staffy, and me!!!! She had everlasting batteries in her!!!!

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