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Yoda Wins Worlds Ugliest Dog Title


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I read that when Sam first entered the WUD competition the other competitors knew they had lost and the judge recoiled when he was tabled. :rofl:

Mind you, I've never seen a trophy as big or a prize as $$$ at a normal dog show as you get for winning WUD!

Sam did a calendar one year.. wish I had it. ;) I've seen his Christmas shot though. Here's a smiling one but I think Sam's "blue steel" was the snarly ones.




In case you hadn't noticed, I was a Sam fan. :o In a world that tends to idolise beauty, its nice to see an ugly dog become a celebrity.

Edited by poodlefan
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Sam just frightened my young child :laugh:

He sure was special.. and had a cult following. It was during Sam's reign that the competition became televised and followed round the world.


Edited by poodlefan
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