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Why Did You Join Dogzonline?


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I joined because I fell inlove with a puppy in a pet shop, so I went home and researched the breed (maltese x bichon) which led me here to a post on why not to buy pet shop dogs and why to buy pedigree pure bred dogs!! Now with much disgust from both sides of the family (why would you spend $1200 on a puppy, what if it dies etc.), we are getting our pup in mid August :)

Any ideas on how to comeback to such negative reactions? One family member said 'i can get you a beagle for free' and another has said 'get it off the trading post or out of the newspaper' Grr...

You could say something along the lines of "The price is worth it for a clear conscience." :D Then educate them on the perils of BYB's and puppy farms!

I would also be educating them on the benefits of buying from a ethical registered breeder,that has done all the necessary health tests on all their breeding dogs...& that there is a good chance you will end up saving money in the long run in vet bills by buying a nice healthy puppy...You might end up spending more than $1200 on a pet shop or BYB pup if the puppy ends up having lots of health problems.

I would also mention that most registered breeders care about their puppies even after they go to their new homes & they are always willing to give you ongoing advice & support for the lifetime of the puppy. :)

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I was googling and came across some posts made by someone I knew, so I started as a lurker. I think I eventually joined when my new bitch had a singleton pup (I didn't know she was pregnant when I got her) and I was trying to find another litter to foster him so he wouldn't be raised alone.

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I had not long moved to WA from England and was googling dog stuff as I already had my GSD pup on order from a breeder. I read quite alot before signing up and then put my hand up to foster a dog for a local greyhound rescue that was posted in the rescue forum . After fostering for that group for sometime two other carers and myself started up our current all breeds/animals rescue of which I am president .........well that has now become bigger than Ben Hur ...to the point we have such a high yearly turnover that we have had to register for GST :eek: ..........Thanks DOL :D

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Peibe and TBL asked me to as they were setting me up to con me into doing shar pei rescue ;)

It worked. :o

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I've been stalking the forums for almost 2 years on and off. Reading about different breeds and various ideas and training techniques. Finally joined the other day because we are picking our Staffy up soon and I'm guessing I'm going to be asking loads of questions soon, it's been awhile since I've had a dog :)

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Anyone remember the Blossom saga? I heard about her on a US based whippet forum, there was a campaign by her owner to get her back and word travelled far and wide. That's when I joined, and I liked the idea of an Aussie forum. There used to be at least one bitch fight every day back then and I got tired of reading all the nastieness so didn't visit that often. The same people are here but they are pretty tame compared to the way they used to be. :laugh:

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To find a friend for Ollie dog...

Which turned out to be not such a good idea at the time.

I stayed because this is a great community as passionate as I am about dogs and some off topic stuff - we not agree all the time but the debates are worth it.

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I joined when I began my search for another Aussie Terrier puppy, but after signing up I found the novelty wore off and drifted away. Then one day, trolling through my bookmarks I opened the forum back up, just happened to remember my username and password and the rest is history.

Now I'm just an annoyance! :rasberry:

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I was looking for a Westie and Googled 'Westie for sale' and there was an advertisment on DOL for 2 older (10 & 8) Westies that had to go together. I didn't want dogs that old so continued looking.There was a few others for sale in other States that I made a note of to contact the next day.

I woke up at 2am thinking about the two older ones...emailed Victoria at 2.30am and went and bought them the next day :thumbsup: best thing I have ever done!

I hadn't known of DOL existence until then.

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I was looking for a Westie and Googled 'Westie for sale' and there was an advertisment on DOL for 2 older (10 & 8) Westies that had to go together. I didn't want dogs that old so continued looking.There was a few others for sale in other States that I made a note of to contact the next day.

I woke up at 2am thinking about the two older ones...emailed Victoria at 2.30am and went and bought them the next day :thumbsup: best thing I have ever done!

I hadn't known of DOL existence until then.

OMG you are a darling...that's something i would do :D I always worry anout the old ones and it makes me so mad and sad when people rehome them.

I joined after I saw my sister on it, she used to do a lot of rescue and fostering.

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I joined to look for a breeder and get some more information prior to getting another dog,never found the breeder as I found a breed rescue and went for a rescue instead. I stayed because of all the great information and the variety of opinions. I get a bit scared by some of the in fighting and don't often weigh in on those threads,but even when a scuffle breaks out I still like reading the well reasoned parts of the arguments 'cos there is usually some good information and background in there. If things get down to name calling or downright nasty I just don't look at that thread anymore.

That said the other (and main) reason I stay is because I honestly think my dogs and myself have benefitted from lots of the information and advice other DOLers have been willing to give and I am constantly amazed at how supportive people can be on here.

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This is why :

Hi all im a 27 yr old mum of 2, and my dear hubby bought home a 12 week old english staffy pup last night iv only ever owened adult dogs so im a bit out of my deepth hear :rolleyes: there will be alot of questions coming your way so i hope we can look after our boy properly

We are the new owners of a english staffy 12 wk old male pup my hubby and i have been talking about getting a pup for a couple of weeks but last night he came home from work with this boy and i was totaly unprepared i dashed to the local store and got some pedigree puppy food wet and dry is this is ok for him? last night he cried untill about 1am this morning :rolleyes: i was hoping for some advice on how to handel this i just ignored him last night and felt terrible.

the other problem is that he tends to try and jump up on my daughter that is 3 and not very confident with dogs i told her to push him away and say no loudly but is this the right way to go?

thanks for your help and please tell me if there is anything specific i need to know and do straight away

I look back and think how bloody clueless was i :o Thanks to DOL i was pointed in the right direction within hours of these post's and i cant thank the doler's enough.

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