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R.i.p. Stella


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I only found out today that Stella, my very first rescue back in 2009 was put to sleep the day before yesterday. :(

Stella was a staffy girl. She was about 6 or 7 yrs old when rescued from Death row at the very last minute. She was soon adopted by my brother-in-law and his Mrs and had a doggy sister, Alabama.

She lived happily with them for the past 3 years and was very spoiled. Stella would sometimes walk funny and on the odd occassion her back legs would give way altogether with. The vet said it was neurological. :( but she soldiered on happily. Sadly though, she started having seizures about a year ago and despite being on medication, they worsened over the past few months, so the decision was made to give her her wings. :cry:

R.I.P. Stella - you'll always be remembered girl, your paw print will forever remain in our hearts. :cry:


I can still remember it like yesterday girl. Me starting out in rescue thinking I could save you all. I thought I was alone back then, the only one who rescued. How nieve was I. I only went to the pound to find my Mum a new doggy friend after her Chi of 16 yrs had passed away...

But what I saw with my own eyes and heard from volunteers saddened and shocked me.

I knew from that very first visit, that very first pound trip - that I had a job to do.

I could not walk away from you all. I knew from that day onwards - my life would never be the same again.

I would devote my life to saving your lives.

I spotted you down in the very bottom row at Blacktown pound. You were crying and carrying on as though pleading for help. You stole my heart. A little staffy with the saddest eyes, at first you would cower when I went to pat you, but you soon realised I was not there to hurt you. Dog knows what you'd been through...

I enquired about you at the counter and was told you were urgent. You had no adoption interest.

I walked back down to your kennel and promised you I would help you. That I would be back to get you before it was too late. We cried together and I cried all the way home in the car.

I kept my promise. In less than 24 hours you were home. Safe with us.

My very first rescue. You were so sweet. The OH said when he went to pick you up and was walking you out the gate to the car, that he'd never seen a dogs tail wag so fast before.

That very same day the brother in law and his Mrs happened to drop by. They'd been searching for a pal for Alabama and a 2nd dog for themselves. It was love at first sight, and you would soon become a part of their family.

At last you had a loving family of your very own. Your "forever after" family.

I am so thankful to of been a part of your Happy ending girl.

And although I still cry when I visit the pound, seeing so many of you sad, homeless and at risk of being put to sleep - I do it because even if I can make a difference to just one of your lives - like you Stella - I know it is worth it.

Run free now sweetheart. :rainbowbridge: XXX :heart:

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Sorry, I have no words of comfort as I'm still grieving over the loss of my own staffy girl almost a month on. Stella obviously got the life she deserved, even if it wasn't a long one. She looked like a bright and happy girl with a lot to give a family. She obviously made a major difference in your life too Rach and how wonderful that you got to watch her blossom and be loved given she was your first rescue. I think that in itself is special.

big hugs - the losses suck.



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