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Missing First Post


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Last week I Posted my First Post, Subject was something like

"First Post Watch for Scammers"

I can’t find it any more as I wanted to PM a contributor and even though I posted a few times to that same topic my profile shows I have no Posts... ???

I tried searching for Kiwipete but also drew No Posts... can someone try and find it for me... Or is this Forum a Heavily Moderated Forum and that Topic could have been deleted without notification?

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The forum is moderated and it may have been deleted. It may not have been your post that caused that to happen but a subsequent post that sent it off the rails.

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The forum is moderated and it may have been deleted. It may not have been your post that caused that to happen but a subsequent post that sent it off the rails.

That is what I thought..... :(

Edited by Kiwipete
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