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Broken Tooth


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Hi, Last time I went to the vets around a month ago with Lacy the vet was checking her teeth and she has a broken off a piece of her back tooth, but the main part of the tooth is still there. The vet said while it is still intact even though the top part of the tooth is gone we should just leave it, but he also said nearly always it leads to them having to have that tooth out. He said abcesses (sp) can form quickly with teeth that have bits missing, so just to keep an eye on it in the mean time. but so far so good. So after all that I guess it depends how badly it is broken?? is there a bit missing or is it just broken like in half. If it is just in half it will probly have to come out. A friend of mines dog had a tooth broken, kind of split and it had to come out.

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I have no idea how or really even when but one of my dogs has broken a back tooth. Will the rest of it need to come out? Or will the vet likely just give antibiotics?

It will depend if the pulp cavity is exposed and the experience of your veterinarian. If the pulp cavity is exposed your dog will be in pain and it should not just be left, regardless of what the vet says (I say this because the first vet I went to said we could leave it, and many do because they have not been taught much about this area).

Here is a link to what happened with my girl yesterday- http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/222581-fractured-tooth/

I would suggest going to a veterinarian that has had some experience if the pulp cavity is exposed. This is a list of Veterinarians with an interest in dentistry http://www.petdental.com.au/avds_members.htm

If it does need extracting I would suggest going to someone who x-rays before the operation to ensure they know where they are cutting, and after to make sure they have got the entire tooth out.

Edited by ~Woofen~
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