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Inflammatory Polyarthropothy


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A few months ago my boy was diagnosed with this condition. With no drugs he was in a bit of pain and looked like an old dog struggling to get up from laying down, couldn't jump on the couch, slow walking etc.

So for the last few months he has been on some anti-inflammatries and has been really good. He still can't jump up on the couch but he's not so slow getting up and down from lying down, isn't in any obvious pain and is happy to go for walks etc.

Then about 5 days ago it all went downhill. He started yelping at nothing but often when I was patting him, he wouldn't go near the other dog (who is also now scared of him), he wouldn't lie down but just stood there head down and tail between his legs, every time he moved it was like he was trying to get away from something. Last night it got alot worse as he started puffing heavily, his breathing got laboured, he won't come near me and has been shaking all over but particularly in his back legs.

I took him to the vet who prescribed him painkillers which may cause him to be a bit sedated plus he has his anti-inflams.

I know there is no cure for this disease but I'm just not sure I'm happy with the treatment he is getting. But then again I am not a vet so don't know what the options are. I have done so much research but haven't really found anything.

Has anyone gone through this same thing? What treatment did your dog recieve and were you happy with it?

Also, no one is giving me any answers about how this is going to effect his life long term. Will it significantly reduce his life expectancy or could he live with it for a long time? I don't know if I can watch him be in the amount of pain he has been in for the last few days. But he is only 5 and has so much life to live!

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Have you been referred to a specialist? I've not had personal experience but information I have found indicates a lot of tests are needed to ascertain what started the auto inflam in the first place.

It's hard I know, but if my dog had a choice of being constantly in pain or drugged off his skull I would give him his wings. That is no life for a free spirit.

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I have been treating my own dog for an inflammatory polyarthropathy for the last few months. Luckily he has responded really well to steroid treatment. My dog also had some signs of neck and back plain, so I suspect his diagnosis should be expanded to be a polyarthropaty / arteritis / meningtis complex. However, I didn't go to a CSF tap so I can't confirm that.

What sort of investigation was done before diagnosis?

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I was referred to a specialist for the diagnosis but nothing was mentioned about further tests to ascertain what started it in the first place. They did say though there was no cure for it but that it would be something that required management from this time on.

I don't currently think that it's at the point where I need to think about having him put to sleep as there are some options but yes I do think it may be something that I need to think about for the future.

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Rappie they did so many tests to be honest I lost track of them all. I do remember they did xrays, bloods etc. and couldn't find anything. Then I was referred to a specialist who did a test where they put him under and extracted fluid from his joints (can't quite remember the proper name for the test). The tests done on this fluid came back as inflammatory polyarthropathy.

Currently he isn't on a steroidal treatment and they have mentioned they would like to avoid that treatment for as long as possible because of the impact it has on their liver and kidneys. Yet have said if this new painkiller doesn't work that it the next option (I would have to wean him off his current anti-inflams for 4 days before he could be changed to the new drug).

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