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Evening Play/walk/sleep Routine


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Hi everyone,

I am curious about your evening routines with your dogs!

I leave for work at 730am and get home around 5pm. I would love to know about your evening routine with your dogs as I am trying to figure out how best to work mine!

Do you walk asap or play first? When do they eat and when is bed time? Do they conk out or do you put them to bed?

If you have a similar work routine, what do you do with your dogs? If they have been alone all day how much time do they have in the evenings before they sleep?

Thanks in advance!


(and her 4month old Border Collie!)

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Evening time is generally relaxing time at our place. We do a 45 min - 1 hour walk in the morning. They're home alone from about 7:30am to 5pm.

Most nights of the week, when I get home from work... the dogs come inside, go to their beds and sleep :o Wake up for their dinner at 6pm, back inside then sleep again. Sometimes I have a play with Ava when I get home.

I take Ava to agility one night a week (and obedience on weekends). I take her out for extra obedience training between one and three days a week which is as soon as I get home. Then she gets home and sleeps again :laugh:

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I leave for work or uni at around 7:30-8:00 and get home around 5:30, and take Maggie out for a walk as soon as I get in. She's inside while I'm out and as far as I can tell (and from what I've been told), she goes straight back to bed once I've left. Her bed is a little blanket thing on my bed, so she hangs out in my room most of the time. Though when I get home from work there's usually a sock or some hint of her presence in the lounge room :laugh:

I usually feed Maggie while I'm making my own dinner, and then she just hangs around me while I'm studying/whatever else I do at night. (My life is quite boring, really.. haha). So basically, she spends 99% of her time sleeping - she's usually sleeping somewhere near me! Eg now, in front of the fire. No need to put this one to bed, bed's wherever she is! She comes to bed with me whenever I go, little shadow that she is :)

If for some reason I'm not able to get straight home, my boyfriend will come over and take Maggie for a walk.

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Evenings are very relaxed here. Basically, the routine is ....

I get home from work, I change into my home clothes, then we have a massive play session in the backyard and inside. Then I start making dinner, and in between I will do some training with the dogs or do some trick training. I have dinner and the dogs are either playing with each other or doing their own thing. Then they get fed, while I do whatever (my 2 take their time with dinner). An hour later, we go for our evening stroll around the block and if Em is still hyper, we walk to the park and I let her do her zoomies around the park. We get home, watch tv. Before going to bed, we have another play session/training, then I have a shower before bed (usually this is the time where they bring out their deer antler out from its hiding place) and chew on that till I say 'Bedtime' and both get on the bed with me. Lights out and bed.

Wednesday night or other nights that I go out, they get a longer walk in the morning. I get home, we have a play session. Then I get ready to go out. Then they get fed (they usually get a big juicy bone that will take then FOREVER to finish). When I get home, if Em is still hyper, she gets a quick walk around the block or we have another play session in the backyard. Then Bed time and lights out and bed.

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approx 20 mins walk to dog park, he then plays in the park for about 30 mins, then walk back home for 20mins.

This is on top of a 45min to 60min jog/run in the morning.

sometimes the order of these are changed so park in the am and run in the pm.

or sometimes it's a run in am and pm

or sometimes it's walk,park,walk in am and pm.

Either way we make sure he gets both lots of exercise a day. The morning being especially important due to us leaving him at home whilst we both work.

Weekends are swimming days.

Morning exercise is done at 5 to 5:30am - with breakfast served around 7:30.

evening exercise is as soon as I get home from work - around 5:30 - dinner then served after at least 30mins has passed after exercise.

Then Boonie comes for a snuggle on the couch.

Edited by Fatsofatsoman
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OH gets home at 4pm and takes the dogs for a walk, then cleans up whatever mess they've made throughout the day (at the moment it's stuffed toys with all of their fluff pulled out of them). Just before I get home, he feeds them dinner. I get home just before 6pm, cook our own dinner and then do a little bit of training (normally only about 5-10 min) with each of the dogs. After that, they'll put themselves to bed, or if they need it I'll give them a groom.

This changes on Thursdays and Fridays because every second Thursday Halo has show training, and every Friday Akira has agility. So those days are a little more unusual to normal.

Weekends are obviously a different story again, and that's when we have shows and obedience, and any sledding that we might do.

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6.30am ish (5.30am Mondays, later weekends!) get out of bed. Put dog out for wees and poos. Bring dog back in. Wake cats up. Clear out cat litters. Make coffee. Take dog outside with coffee and lazily throw things for him as he horses around the garden like a maniac and I sit in a chair and sip my coffee and wake up. If it's raining, I sit in the laundry and throw through the door. When dog has worn self out (often a short, sharp burst of exercise - may be as little as 20 mins if he's particularly energetic) we go back indoors. Then I let the cats out into the yard and they run about.

I tidy up my kitchen in the mornings after last night's meal, and dog follows me about and we listen to the radio and I drink more coffee.

8am, I call the cats back in (they come when called) and feed them their breakfast, and dog goes back outside and is fed his breakfast. (He's had enough time to cool down from his runabout.) I hop in the shower and leave for work at about 8.25am. Dog spends his day outside, with access to the garage where he has a trampoline bed with currently no fewer than two folded doonas on it.

I go to work. If I have the chance, I may come home at lunchtime for up to an hour (I work 5 mins from home) and dog comes in, cats may go outside for another run, we just have a bit of company time.

I get home from work by 5.15pm. If we're going for a walk I literally walk in the door, change out of my work clothes and snap the dog's leash on and out we go again - if I settle down at all I won't go out. Home again by 6.30pm at the absolute latest. Dog has long drink of water and goes outside and pees all over back garden to ensure we all know he's home again.

Dog back in, cats out in the yard (never out together - he'd chase). I make my own dinner. Cats get about an hour outside at this point, longer in the summer. I didn't use to feed the dog in the evenings, but reckon once he's cooled down from his afternoon walk, I'll give him a second feed, as per my other thread where he's been sick and skinny. I eat, round all animals up indoors and we spend the evening inside. The dog usually flakes on the living room floor, the cats have a round of zoomies at about 8pm where they ricochet off the walls (literally).

Bed time is 10pm - dog goes out for a last wee n poo before bed, while I clear the cat litters, and feed the cats get their supper in their 'room'. They then settle in for the night happily. This bit is very important - dog is outdoors doing his business while cats are getting supper, and when dog comes back in he MUST be allowed a lick of the catfood packet. (Will come in through the laundry and sit on the mat without being asked and watch you expectantly, waiting for his evening lick-of-the-packet treat.)

Once cats are in bed, dog closes up the house with me, following while I turn off the lights and check doors n windows and turn down the heating. Then up to the front of the house, he gets a cuddle on his bed in the study and is told he's the best dog in the world, and I go to bed myself.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Bed time is 10pm - dog goes out for a last wee n poo before bed, while I clear the cat litters, and feed the cats get their supper in their 'room'. They then settle in for the night happily. This bit is very important - dog is outdoors doing his business while cats are getting supper, and when dog comes back in he MUST be allowed a lick of the catfood packet. (Will come in through the laundry and sit on the mat without being asked and watch you expectantly, waiting for his evening lick-of-the-packet treat.)

Very cute :laugh:

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Our evening routine.....

As soon as I get home take Emma for her walk (short-ish around the block very slow!!).

Give Emma meds and dinner (this generally has to happen 6-6.30)

Take Kenzie out for her walk (1 hour fast)

Feed Kenzie and then me

Most nights dogs then get some play/training (anywhere between 10 min to 30 min depending on what I feel like!!)

Dogs off to bed by 10.30

Kenzie also has training classes up to 3 times a week, so those days it's a bit different. Plus with Em's health issues her regime (other than food and meds) is a bit variable depending on how she feels on the day. Oh and Kenzie gets a 20 min walk every morning. However, when she was 4 months old (she is also a BC) we were doing a lot more play - I wanted her to sleep through the night and not wake me up unless it was to wee!!! And so lots of play before bed and training meant that I had a tired puppy!!!

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Our schedule tends to be fairly out of whack because I do uni and I also work 3 part time jobs. Luckily dogs are very adaptable!

During summer, I always walk them before 8AM for an hour. During winter, I find it much harder to get out of bed. :o Sometimes I take them up to the local oval to burn off some steam for 20 mins at 6AM before I leave but I usually don't start until 11 or 1pm at either job. If I do a morning shift, they get walked in the afternoon (always offleash time included).

If I work a typical day, from 11 to 7, they are fed around 7/8AM and walked. We do some playtime and then I leave. Apparently while I'm gone all they do is sleep. :rofl: Not surprising. When I get home, we usually go for another walk--30mins or whatever. Then dinner around 8, playtime, some training, lounging around while I do homework. We head to bed around 11PM.

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5-5.30am, OH gets up for work. He lets Bundy out of his crate. Bundy flies into the bedroom, onto the bed and under the doona :o We sleep for an hour, along with Diesel. 6.30, when the alarm goes off, we bounce out of bed. Dzogs play while i get ready for work, then they're outside all day. I am not a morning person, so it makes me feel better giving them an hour of snuggles before we get up :laugh:

Get home a bit before 5, straight in to change, then one will get a walk, the other a training session and I alternate, but Diesel normally just gets a training sesh as we're still working on issues. We walk for nearly an hour (I don't like walking in the dark around our area) then come home. Dogs sleep while i cook dinner. They eat at 7.30, then go to bed whenever we decide. Routine must be the same every day or else someone has a meltdown and turns into destructo dog... He lanscaped the lawn today because OH wasn't home at the usual time :rolleyes:

Bundy also goes to agility most sunday mornings... This generally keeps him happy all week and less destructive and sensitive, but he still gets walks.

Edited by Bundy's Mum
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Alarm goes off 5am.Switch on bedside lamp to find I'm sideways in the bed because Stan is across the pillows and Maddie is sprawled out at the end.I have no pillow and minimal doona.Squeeze myself out and have a coffee.Maddie gets up with me Stan stays in bed.Feed them brekkie at 5.30am.Back door is always open so wee when you want.Stan straight back to bed Mads on the lounge.Home around 10.30am(I'm a breakfast chef at a motel)Stan's still in bed.Sit on the lounge with Maddie and tell her how much mums feet hurt.Down to the beach for an arvo walk,Mondays they get afternoon tea down at the picnic area,a peice of cake from an old couple who love them.4 o'clock Stan starts walking around the house with his bowl so dinner for them.6.30 7 I cook my dinner and veg on the lounge with Maddie.Where's Stan?Yep you guessed it gone to bed.Laziest greyhound in the world! :)

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am: alternate days of more formal training and play on the local oval/longer walks and free runs at a choice of 2-3 parks, all involve a good walk to get to/from!

Home for coffee and cereal or hot porridge - me and the boys.

At 7.45 (yeah right, in my dreams, maybe one day I will make it on time!) the boys go out on the deck, they have the run of the house and the deck when I am at work. I go to work which is a 10 minute walk.

At lunchtime I come home and the boys come out to wander around the garden or we go to the mini park in our street for a Whippet Wiz (or a roll in something that was previously alive, I tend not to join in on this one!)

I usually get home by 5.00pm, change, have my (home made-no cream or ice cream) iced coffee on the deck then the boys come out for walks/plays or I go for a bike ride first, but all bar shopping nights we do both - shopping night I miss my bike ride.

Week-ends are for the Pet Park or the Beach or a long walk along the Nightcliff foreshore path and a play on the Gym equipment for me, and sometimes a coffee out...or a bought iced coffee with cream on top and ice cream!!

My dog time is by far the best part of every day!

I think we are all getting a good amount of exersize.

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I get home close to 7pm. Dog throws his toys about and races outside to pee.

After I get changed, cat gets fed, dog gets fed then I get fed.

Dog assumes position on couch.

Dog maintains position on couch or his bed all night - from time to time, he resets his position, checks the food bowl or has a drink or goes off to the bedroom.

I will usually do a short training session with him.

Some nights I can do the bed routine and turn off the lights and he's still on the couch so have to ask if he's coming to bed.

He goes out the front to the toilet, sniffs and zooms around the yard.

When he comes in, his blanket gets drapped over him and he goes on his bed in the bedroom or comes on the bed.

He gets up in the night usually and has a feed.

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Thanks everyone! Am I the only one who thinks 'no way!' to my doggy in my bed?!!

At the moment our routine is 610 I wake up and fall out of bed, I quickly get dressed and put the kettle on, start making Stella's breakfast. Then I wake up my girl and she goes outside for her business and an explore through the trees. By 635 we head out the door and walk till about 705. Then we come home, both eat breakfast, she plays, I get ready for work and realise I have thought of her lunch but not mine! Then at 720 we get her Kong ready and gather her toys (they are on a roster!). She takes herself out to her outside bed and waits for me to come with the goods! Then I head off to work...usually late!

Depending on when I can get away from school, I get home about 5! Stella plays at my feet, if there is enough light we play frisbee then I get all confused about when to go walking (about 40mins)/cook our tea/plan for the next day of school/sit down cause I haven't all day/write reports/give Stella cuddles/train Stella/play with Stella/ oh and say hello and cuddle my partner!!!!!!

Hence, I posted this question! ;)

During school holidays Stella was so exhausted each day (cause we would do great things with mud in paddocks all the time!) that she conked out in the evenings on her own accord. Now we are back to school, she is back to her prior self who, at 8pm, is much like an over tired 3 year old! She starts being a destructo dog who wants to play tug with my hand, so she goes out for a pee and then she goes to bed in her crate. She might whinge a bit, but within 3mins she goes to sleep.

I was worried that I was making her sleep too much-But it seems they are pretty sleepy creatures. I have spied on her outside during the day (in the holidays) and she seems to play quite a bit by herself, so I don't think she is asleep all day when I am at work. The different kinds of tired a the interesting/concerning part.

Anyway-Thanks a lot for your help! These forums are so helpful for first-timers! :)

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It is interesting to read the varying levels of exercise some breeds need.

I have a 12 month old German Short Haired Pointer and a part time 7 month old Hungarian Vizsla and the routine is something like this..

5.45-6.30am Walk

7.30am Breakfast and dad leaves for work

5.30pm Dad home, hops into puppy park clothing and off to park till we run out of playmates or steam or both. Usually at least ill 6.30pm

7.30pm dinner

7.30.05pm after dinner bone for Zsa Zsa the GSP and a play, chase or tug of war with Oskar the Vizsla. :)

8.00pm both sleep till about 10pm. unless I move, then they wake up, follow me, fall asleep wherever I am and then repeat process.

10.30pm (weather permitting) 30 mins walk around the local block. (I really like these walks, especially with Zsa Zsa, as by this stage she is happy to just cruise along beside me enjoying the outing more than needing to sniff at everything. )

Weekends, that all changes, as I try and do pretty much everything I can with them.

I find the puppy park is a great physical and mental energy expender when time is short. :)

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It is interesting to read the varying levels of exercise some breeds need.

Me too - I was quite worried that the level of exercise we gave Boonie was going to be considered not enough. Seems it's fine.

Although I do like the idea of another quick belt round the block at 10:30 just before bed. That may get added.

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Thanks everyone! Am I the only one who thinks 'no way!' to my doggy in my bed?!!

My dogs have been sleeping on my bed from the moment they came home :laugh: So much easier with toilet training when they were a pup during the night.

The evening walks isn't so much for exercise for us. It's just a good time to get out and have a walk together while walking off our dinner. Also, the dogs have been at home most of the day.. it's good for them to get out of the house.

The morning walk is very much an exercise (just 20 minute of power walking and no breaks).

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My dogs have been sleeping on my bed from the moment they came home :laugh: So much easier with toilet training when they were a pup during the night.

The evening walks isn't so much for exercise for us. It's just a good time to get out and have a walk together while walking off our dinner. Also, the dogs have been at home most of the day.. it's good for them to get out of the house.

The morning walk is very much an exercise (just 20 minute of power walking and no breaks).

He he he, I had her in a crate, toilet trained like a dream really! She can sleep for 10 hours, her record is 14 though- after one HUGE day! :rofl:

Walk-wise, we are the opposite, mornings are what I call her 'scratch and sniff' while evenings are a nice walk, focussing on the walk part!

She will be walking lots lots more as she grows- we've already changed since my last post- and she is only 4 months! Ha ha! Lovely girl :D

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Thanks everyone! Am I the only one who thinks 'no way!' to my doggy in my bed?!!

My new addition to the family a pure pug cant jump up on the bed so i took the opportunity to have her sleep in her own bed on the floor next to me! However my pug x has been in the bed since the second night I adopted him only because i just couldnt handle his crying at night, and 6 years later he is still in my bed under the doona at night. :o

He is a good foot warmer on these cold winter nights.

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