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Any Tips For Training Babies?


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Stonecutter, when we go to Luci's and the classes are large, we do our own thing (within reason). I might practice some out and backs while Luci is helping someone else down the line, or I might play Puppy Pushups with a baby while we are waiting. Or I might pull out a tug toy and play tug with my dog for a minute or two. Or I might run a stick along the ground and get her to chase it.

Keep mixing it up so your pup does not have a chance to get bored. If the pup is getting tired, leave the ring and get a coffee or go home, Luci wont mind.

With pups, going to Luci's for us is about 50% for training and about 50% for socialisation. So if we sit around for 30 minutes having a coffee and the pup lays down quietly, that's training AND socialisation. :thumbsup:

We always finish class before the pup gets tired and is still happy to keep going. Above all, whatever you do must be lots of fun for your pup. Our pups go to training sometimes twice a week - Luci's and at the GSDL, but they dont get burned out or bored, they love it and bust their necks to get into the car on training night. :D

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Thanks MEH - she doesn't mind the class, but when it's large - the dogs seem to spend a lot of time standing/stacking. I know this is probably what happens in the ring (though from what I understand there aren't huge numbers in our breed) - but she does get bored of stacking.

We didn't end up going this week - I got entrenched in statistical analysis for my phd thesis and didn't look at the clock!

Yes, just babies, you don't have to have her stacked all the time, Luci understand the importance of breaks for babies :)

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i ust got my first baby as well a golden, I was soo worried i wasnt doing it all right... i went to show training with her 3 weeks in a row one night a week and the trainer is so awesome that i had the skills to take it home with me.. i used stackers and i LOVE them great for teacher them to stand still. (our show training u can go from 8 weeks)

Dallas was getting bored of training and a little fat so we downed the treats and upped the tug and she is much happier :)

i never wanted to gt into clicker training (many reasons) but the trainer talked me into it and showed me that in 5 minutes i could teach her soo much stuff!! so now we clicker train! and the positive reinforcement has worked wonders for her, she will be in the next room and i can say ready dallas?? and she will come flying in to see what i want her to do :) she is funny when we free stand.. gets all serious and wont wag her tail (being a golden tail wagging is a given haha) so i am trying very hard at the moment to get her to be less seriouis and more relaxed and get that tail going hahaha not sure why she does it...

so i highly recommend stackers and clicker training... and HAVE FUN!! if u are getting frustrated cause puppy wont stand still or moves that foot everytime... ask the dog for something it can do like a sit or drop and then a huge reward and finisht he training session... puppies dont understand ur frustrationa and a bad training experience on the stack can make for a sad worried puppy!!

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A friend of mine trained her dog to wag her tail on command.

The bitch hated being shown, but with time decided it wasn't bad but still her tail was down and it affected her outline. So she taught her to wag her tail on command. Worked well, the bitch looked happier and I think it helped to change her attitude to showing all together.

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i would love to hear how she did that... im trying this with Dallas at the moment but im not getting anywhere fast lol she is soo happy to train but i say stand and she freezes and gets all serious!! tail is out and looks lovely but i would prefer a wag as she is a golden after all!!

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SHe basically used a clicker and treats and c/t after she got her excited and she wagged her tail. In the beginning Lucy wasn't sure exactly what she was clicking but one day she very slowy wagged her tail from side to side just like tic.....tic...tic. She got clicked and treated, down the track then had a cue added and that was it they were off.

So basically it was caught and taught outside show stacking or training then once on cue was incorporated so she would walk into a free stack, then start wiggling her tail, then drop her nose just a little. Was great to watch :D

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