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A Wonderful Rescue Story


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Yellowgirl, that's a lovely story but coming from you, it does not surprise me in the slightest. You are one of the kindest, most compassionate people I have ever come across.

So very, very true Gayle. :)

I first met Rennie at YG's a week or so after she arrived in Adelaide. With everything I'd heard about her I wasn't expecting that Rennie would let me near her, even though YG had said she could see Rennie desperately wanted to be loved. I knew she was letting YG cuddle her but I was a complete stranger to her. The darling little girl was so brave. You could see she was scared but she still approached me, tail wagging, and came over to say hello with the rest of YG's crew. It wasn't long before Rennie was curled up on my lap having cuddles and a little snooze. I fell in love with her straight away, she was just so precious. The difference YG had made to Rennie's life in just that short time was amazing. She was looking stronger, able to climb on and off of the sofa with the aid of some doggy stairs and you could see her personality starting to come out.

About a week or so after her surgery I was able to introduce Rennie to Justice. The difference in her appearance and confidence was so much better again than when I'd first met her and she was so brave meeting my big boofer. I didn't expect Rennie to show much interest in Justice and thought she'd just stay close to us at the park. The little love was so curious about what was going on and seeing her have the strength and courage to go trotting off across the park after Justice was truly a wonderful moment. For a little dog that was so sick, malnourished and frightened only a few weeks earlier to be looking like she was ready to take on the world in such a short time was just amazing. I'm all teary again now just thinking about it.

I didn't honestly think YG would be able to let Rennie go but that just shows how big her heart is. YG knew Rennie would be much happier with an owner who was home most of the time and could shower her with love and affection as an only dog, so that's the home YG found for her. A truly wonderful rescue story. My hat goes off to you once again YG.

Ok, that got the eyes watering!! What a gorgeous little girl she sounds like, and very lucky YG saw her picture!!

I wonder if the two Renbury Rennies are related somewhere back? Would be very sad if brother and sister both ended up at the pound, but both ended up lucky little pooches in the end :)

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I've recently been skiting (only word for it :) ) about the glorious gold-red colour of my tibbie girl's coat.

I'll have to stop that.....because she's not alone. Rennie has the same glorious colouring. Love & care have made her into a beauty! :)

What a pretty girl, she is. Her new owner must be so proud of her. Well done!

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Thank you for letting me share Rennie's story and also for the lovely, kind comments. She is one special girl our Rennie. I've had a few heartbreaks in rescue recently, but this one sweet little angel has helped to put my heart back together ... somebody knew we needed each other :):heart:


eta ... massive thanks again to Tweety for picking Rennie up from the pound and taking her into her warm, loving home until we could get the flight arranged, and also to the lovely DOLers who offered their help to make sure Rennie was safe. xxx

Edited by yellowgirl
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