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A Wonderful Rescue Story


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I just wanted to share a recent rescue experience with you all ... AKA the best thing I've ever done in rescue :)

Six weeks ago I was looking at the Renbury urgent rescues (I don't know why, I shouldn't even have been in there) when I saw this face ...


The write-up said she was a sweet elderly girl with large mammary lumps. No rescue could take her and she was due to be pts. I couldn't stop thinking about her, poor old darling, having to spend her last days sick and unloved in a cold pound. I knew if she came to me it would be for palliative care, but I just wanted her to be loved and secure in the time she had left.

And so a couple of days later she was here, in my arms.

Poor, pathetic little thing that she was, very wobbly on her feet, especially her back legs, two very large mammary lumps, obviously had several litters, an infected eye and infected paw, very underweight and very scared. But the love that was inside that tiny soul was astounding! Her body language told of her mistreatment, hunching into herself to protect her little body but her eyes pleading for a kind touch.

I named her ‘Rennie’ after Renbury pound. Off to the vet and we had a bit of good news, what was thought to be mammary cancer was possibly just fatty lumps or hernias. We would have to wait at least two weeks before she could have them removed, she was just too malnourished. In those two weeks her little personality blossomed, her corneal ulcer and infected paw healed up with treatment, and good, healthy food 3 times a day made her healthier and stronger each day.

Blood work showed no problems with liver, kidneys, etc, she was a healthy girl. The vet was very happy with her progress and her surgery was a great success! No cancer, but two inguinal hernias that had been left untreated for far too long. She was desexed at the same time.

Two weeks later she saw the vet again to have her stitches removed and the vet was over the moon with how far along she’d come. No more wobbly legs… she didn’t have arthritis, she’d been malnourished and just couldn’t carry her weight. The vet did another full check and based on her current condition decided that she wasn't 10-12 years old, she was closer to about 7! She was now completely fit and healthy and had many more years ahead of her!

Just last week Rennie was rehomed to a lovely older lady and they are just smitten with each other. Rennie just loves the individual attention and although she still often displays the body language learned from her past, she’s extremely affectionate and returns love a thousand times over.

This is my sweet girl just before she went to her new home …


My heart just sings when I think of Rennie ... thank you for letting me share my lovely story :)


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Definitely looks like two different dogs, the difference you have made is stunning not only for her physical health but her mental health too :thumbsup:

Thanks for sharing, its lovely to read of a happy ending for everyone especially little Rennie

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I knew you guys would love this story :)

Kirislin, her eyes looked very bad in the photo, I thought the same thing, but I think it's mainly a reflection of how sick and sad she is. Her left eye had the corneal infection & both eyes seemed a bit 'cloudy' for the first week or so. The vet put her on 'dry eye' drops for the right eye and a healing ointment for the left one. She still has a scar from the infection, but has great vision in both eyes. Her new owner is more than happy to put in 'dry eye' drops every day to prevent another infection.

There are 4 albums of pics of Rennie on our facebook page if you'd like to see more :)

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