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Obese Lab


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"At 85kg, he is a staggering 42kg over his ideal weight."

Since when should a male Lab weigh 43kg anyway??? I would have thought he was closer to 55kg over his ideal weight. I'm no expert on Labs though.

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"At 85kg, he is a staggering 42kg over his ideal weight."

Since when should a male Lab weigh 43kg anyway??? I would have thought he was closer to 55kg over his ideal weight. I'm no expert on Labs though.

I was thinking the same thing - that is just horrid.

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our lab had a weight problem, and I think at her worst was up to about 50kg, but my MIL, who had been in charge of her diet at the tme, also had a massive weight problem (she was a size 20), so she had no self control to exercise at all. We got the weight off the lab by telling her that the vet had said if she did not lose the weight she would be dead in 6 months, so the thought of losing her was enough to help my MIL overcome the pleading eyes, and she slimmed down to a much better 35 kg, my MIL in the meantime was able t slim to a size 14, as she decided if Princess could do it, she could too. Just so sad to see any animal in this state, the owners should be ashamed

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Shelley my golden retriever weighs 35kgs but is still on her diet. I hate myself for letting her get that way. My mum is the one that can't stand those pleading give me food look. That poor lab tho it must not be happy can't even walk much. I too thought he is overweight by 55kgs.

Thats the problem people are so use to seeing overweight labs and goldens that they think its normal,thats the way they should look. Even some vets think that aswell. Saw a lab at the vets here was overweight and I over heard the vet say he is prefect in the weight department, I had to just roll my eyes this dog had no waist line,no tuck at all.

I'm overweight myself so I'm on a diet aswell and I tell you I feel a hell of alot better for it too. So I can only imange how Shelley and Rascal feel then.

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I see heaps of fat labs, obviously not that fat, but most of them seem to be overweight.

Is this a breed problem?

No, it's a general public misconception of what a Labrador "should" look like, problem. They see an ideal weight Lab, and it can't be a purebred Lab. I've lost count of the amount of times I've been asked what my Labs are crossed with, and the look of horror when I state they are purebred. Oh no, they aren't the right size for a Labrador I am told!

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I see heaps of fat labs, obviously not that fat, but most of them seem to be overweight.

Is this a breed problem?

I also tend to think that a lot of 'show' labs are overweight and they are the standard bearers.

This is absolutely disgusting and typical that the HS would try to turn it into a competiotion for the fattest dog. :mad

The labs that I see that are shown look a hell a lot healthier than those in my obedience club which are all overweight! Why? :confused:

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I find it interesting that people are saying most labs are overweight because they love to eat. Isn't that the case with most dogs? I know Zeus could eat and eat and eat if allowed and Poochie certainly loved her food too and was a garbage can.

ITA with all the comments about how most people think that labs are supposed to be porky but I can't help but wonder at poor Sampson's owners. At what point didn't his owners see just how uncomfortable and fat their dog was getting and surely during regular vet checks their vet would've mentioned something about him weighing too much and that they should consider putting him on a diet (or at least cutting down on his food intake).

It's the same as obese humans (and I lump myself in this group). You don't just wake up one day 50 kilos heavier so where do you draw the line? Surely you'd notice over time that your clothes don't fit and that maybe you should do something about it and the same goes with pets. This weight wasn't put on overnight so why didn't his owners see? Rose coloured glasses?

I don't know. This just makes me angry. :mad:

Edited by RiverStar-Aura
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Labs have no satiety reflex, they always feel hungry. GRs can be the same. Couple this with soulful brown eyes and they are often overfed. This means owners need to be strict with the food and treats as the dog will never say no to food.

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Pretty disgusting. This borders on animal abuse.

However, I guess it's no different to those parents who allow their young kids to become dangerously obese. If they're not prosecuted (and I've never seen it happen), then I doubt anyone will prosecute owners of fat dogs.

Edited by Staranais
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Labs have no satiety reflex, they always feel hungry. GRs can be the same. Couple this with soulful brown eyes and they are often overfed. This means owners need to be strict with the food and treats as the dog will never say no to food.

Got any links to scientific studies in this? I can't see why a Labrador would have a unique digestive system. :confused:

Most dogs, given the chance, will gorge themselves. Fact is that most dog owners won't let them.

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