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Obese Lab


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Oh my god. I'm also disgusted that there's a little tagline "is your pet bigger? send photos to..." etc. Let's not make light of it, encourage it, or make a competition out of it. Sickening. :mad

Edited by Alkhe
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Oh my god. I'm also disgusted that there's a little tagline "is your pet bigger? send photos to..." etc. Let's not make light of it, encourage it, or make a competition out of it. Sickening. :mad

Yep I noticed that too Alkhe, & was also disgusted that they could make light of the situation. :mad

That poor Lab :( The owners shouldn't be allowed to own a dog again until they are educated in dog nutrition, & IMO I think it is a form of abuse. :mad

Edited by Baileys mum
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Poor, poor dog. I heard about it on the radio this morning...

I can't say I'm impressed by the "Is your pet bigger? Submit photos to..." line in the article either - encouragement much?!

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Yep, I just saw the front page of the Herald Sun, shamefull to let a poor dog get to that condition. I noticed the line asking if you have a bigger dog, idiots. It's nothing to be proud of.

Interesting. They're doing a poll asking of the owners of fat pets should be prosecuted for cruelty.

Edited by Kirislin
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I was watching a show recently, hosted by a British guy, who travels around the world looking for world records. This recent episode was the worlds largest dog. Anyway they showed a fat lab in the UK, that looked alot like this poor dog, and it was taken away from it owners by the RCPCA and put on a diet.

You will be pleased to know that on this show they were against fat dogs, they where looking for big and healthy :thumbsup:

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Poor, poor dog. I heard about it on the radio this morning...

I can't say I'm impressed by the "Is your pet bigger? Submit photos to..." line in the article either - encouragement much?!

How about the "donate to xxx for his expensive diet food" seems like a bit of a contradiction to me....

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OMG !!!! Poor, poor boy.


This is another form of abuse without a doubt IMO. Hope the toll on his poor body & heart is not to great for him to pull through this

epic weight loss he is going to have to endure to continue to live. Good luck boy. There should be a law against this form of cruelty.

The owners seem some what proud of there achievement. :confused:

Edited by BC Crazy
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Poor, poor dog. I heard about it on the radio this morning...

I can't say I'm impressed by the "Is your pet bigger? Submit photos to..." line in the article either - encouragement much?!

How about the "donate to xxx for his expensive diet food" seems like a bit of a contradiction to me....

Nothing that a cup of weight management in advance, SD, RC or Proplan wouldn;t fix, along with some steamed veg. It certainly wouldn't be expensive enough to warrant calling for donations to pay for the food.

Doesn't Propla sponsor them anyway ? surely they could chuck in a bag of weight management, that would last for weeks.

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:cry: That poor, poor doggy. I too hope he makes it.

My lab was overweight by just a few kilos. Now that he has lost the weight he looks so much better and has lots of energy (for a 9 year old who not long ago had surgery). I am so happy I have given my boy a healthier and (hopefully) longer life as a result.

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I see heaps of fat labs, obviously not that fat, but most of them seem to be overweight.

Is this a breed problem?

Most Labs could eat all day - coupled with a face just made for begging and a lot of stupid owners over feed them.

I also tend to think that a lot of 'show' labs are overweight and they are the standard bearers.

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