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Papillon Playgroup Anyone?


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I think other papillon owners could relate; we love our little balls of energy, like to socialize them and give them opportunities to exercise their intelligence. But, it is worrying when getting them out, most other dogs you encounter are about 100 times their size and an accidental bad step while playing can potentially see our little mate broken :(

So, the idea of a playgroup for papillons came to me :) Had a bit of a look around but couldn't find one, the only groups/organizations i could find are based on breeding or training which are not our ideas of fun.

Things I'm hoping to achieve with this thread:

- If someone knows of such a group, please let me know, joining an already established group would be the most convenient.

- Failing that, I'd love to start one. Let me know if the idea is appealing to you and we can chat about it till we're comfortable that neither of us are scammers and would enjoy the company while the kids are playing


- I live in N/NE melbourne suburbs so would be looking for owners/groups in that general area.

- Not a breed snob so cross breeds or other intelligent dogs around the same size are fine. I would however love to find another papillion for my little one to play with.

My baby, Mad Manix:

post-40669-0-08037100-1308645996_thumb.jpg post-40669-0-46302400-1308646003_thumb.jpg

Lets see how this works out :confused:

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.. can I come and watch? Is that a bit weird? :laugh:

I have a toy poodle who is very timid and would be interested in this, and there's also a little pap at my obedience school whose parents I'm sure would be too!

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Guest Panzer Attack!

Hi :)

I know there's a Melb dacchie group and I would LOVE to help out with organising a Pap one. I have a Papillion called Scooter and he'd LOVE a friend (or a similar dog friend, as everyone in the WORLD is his friend :laugh:). I'm not really on DOL anymore but could not resist coming into this thread (was alerted by a clever friend!) :o So I don't know how much interest there would be, but memememememe!!!! I'm in the west, but my best friend lives in the north and I'm there fairly often, so who knows!

E x

edited to add... PICTURES!



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That's a great idea to have a breed playgroup! I've noticed (& so have other owners) that our tibbie breed 'recognize' each other, so a bunch of them love to get together to socialise.

And good on you for extending the invitation to other small dogs of roughly the same size as a papillon. More great socialisation.

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most excellent :) i thought this was a stab in the dark with little chance of success but am thrilled by so many responses so quickly :D

ok, i guess now we need to get things happening.... hmm, where to start??

more invites: I'll keep an eye on this forum and hope more interest will turn up - getting all optimistic now :) - if you know other pap owners that are not on the forum but would be interested, please encourage them to register and post their interest - if nothing else, we'll end up with a nice collection of pap pictures - can never have too much of that!

safety: Probably the most important thing when organizing something over the net is privacy and safety (please disregard perceptions of paranoia, my work involves keeping information safe on the net and that teaches you that you're never paranoid enough!). To that end:

- Forums are a bit too public for real names, meeting locations etc. will contact you guys via pm soon

- Would also value your input into how we can organize this in a way that feels safe and comfortable for all involved

thank you all for making my day :)

Edited by ozmanix
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