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Compulsory Microchipping


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The October 2010 ANKC Conference considered a number of important issues and a summary of the outcomes is available from the ANKC website.

One important resolution that is NOT included in the summary was that microchipping prior to registration be compulsory across all States from 1st January 2012. Governing Council recognises the specific challenges facing WA members and is actively working on developing cost efficient solutions for all members. The Canine News, our website and circulars will be utilised to provide news on developments.

Can anyone please tell me what the specific challenges are for WA members? do we pay extra for putting the microchip details on the paperwork or something?

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Thanks Hannah - yes I am not sure... that is why I am confused what the "specific challenges" are with regards to microchipping... the other thing i thought was maybe not being able to put the microchip number information on the papers if you apply for the papers before they turn 8 weeks, because you don't choose them until 8 weeks? (eg you have a male you want to put on Mains and the rest of the males on Limited so you apply for the papers to get them in time for their new homes but you can't put the microchip numbers on the papers until after final selection)

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Can anyone please tell me what the specific challenges are for WA members? do we pay extra for putting the microchip details on the paperwork or something?

The specific challenges relate to the fact that only vets can legally implant M/Chips in W.A, where as in some states Joe Public can do a T.A.F.E course and be acredited to impant them.

Or at least that was the message put forward at the conference.

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