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Big Muscles On Hindleg


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My lab Mindy has large muscles in her hind legs which "stick out".

They look like lumps but being bilaterally symmetrical I think they are just muscle enlargement (of the Biceps femoris).

I am not sure if this is normal? She is very fit and otherwise healthy- she has shown no signs of limping or exercise intolerance.

She does agility training weekly and receives around 3 hrs of exercise a day (combination of free running, swimming and leash walking)as well as extra training and play at home.


I haven't seen any labs that have had this before.

She has no other clinical signs.

Edited by aussielover
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That is one of the fittest looking labs I think I've ever seen.. I have nothing valid to suggest unfortunately, but to me her muscles don't look problematically big, just fit and healthy. That also seems like a lot of exercise, so I wouldn't think it's anything to really worry about?

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