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A Question About Birth ?


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I asked this on a cat forum & would like to compare answers with what I get here on a dog forum.

As experienced breeders will know puppies can be born head first or feet first.

No big drama usually but when the body is out & the head is still inside one assumes the head will come out with the next contraction & it usually does.

My question is this

If the next contraction does not follow quickly how long do you wait before you take action to free the puppies head ?

One minute ? two minutes ? three minutes ?

I am not meaning the dog is contracting & head is stuck. Or that the dog is struggling.

The action in that case being to help head out with contraction.

I mean the contraction has not come.

Body out, head in, contractions stopped.

How long do you sit & wait ?

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Yes for me I hold the puppy with a hand towel and gently maneuver (sp?) and the puppy usually pops out fairly quickly and for me usually the sac has already broken. I once had a puppies hind feet just sticking out and as I took hold it was sucked back up and when I felt for it it had gone way back up, I gave 1/2 ml oxy and it was still a good 5 mins before it presented again, didn't let go that time, >>> puppy was fine though. (Very Scarey)

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If the pup comes out bum/feet first all at once I just deal with it in the usual way.

But if it only partially comes out I put my fingers in as high as I can and twist it out, as Missymmo states the sac is usually broke and the cold air on the bum will cause them to breathe and thus inhale fluid.

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