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Another 'what Lens' Thread


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cheers huga - I'd love to see how you'd go with it :D

I cant see a curve, that's why I thought you must have corrected it. I know DPP has a lens correction for distortion so I'm sure other programs do too.

I've just not looked into lens correction. I don't see the curve very well here either, but when in lr and using the grid it's there lol

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The 10-20 by Sigma and the 10-22 by Canon are both awesome lenses.

If you want super wide AND excellent low light head to the Tokina 11-16 2.8 - sweet! I have both the Canon 10-22 and Tokina 11-16 and love them both.

Sigma's 8-16 is meant to be a fantastic bit of glass, too, but definitely a specialty lens.

If you shoot carefully you can go nice and wide with little distortion - just takes a little practice and getting the feel for things. I've noticed that none of my wide angles are terrible, even for straight horizons and it looks like CMs images illustrate that pretty well.

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Love the beach scenes CM.

I've got the sigma 10-20. In LR there is a lens correction box where you tick which lens you've used (it has a lot of lenses in the dropdown menu) and it corrects some distortion (sometimes).

Sigma 10-20 pics:


One thing with a wide angle lens is you can sometimes get uneven skies if you attach a filter to it like I did with this one. You can fix it in PS with a gradient layer, I just noticed it, will fix the sky on the weekend.


A noddy tern (wild seabird) let me get close.


Edited by Ripley
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D'oh I totally forgot one I use all the time - Sigma's 17-70 macro! It's fantastic and I have the old version. The new version is even better :)

Brilliant thanks Kristin, that seems to fit the bill nicely as I was hoping to find something that covered the long end a bit more too :) I've been looking on a flickr group at samples and it looks a nice lens, I like the close focusing as well, plus at about half the price of the canon, I can get a speedlite too :thumbsup:

I was hoping for a fixed 2.8 zoom, but to be honest the pics I've seen at f4 @70mm on this lens look pretty good :D

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Nawwwww thanks Annie :D I miss my greyhound cuddles sooooo much :)

Ordered from DCW last night as they offer the Aussie warrenty - due to CR Kennedy not covering warrenties on lenses bought overseas. DCW want proof of my address before shipping, so will have to wait till I get home and find a bill - impatient me will have to wait a further day for the lens :laugh:

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One lens I wouldn't recommend is the 17-85 efs. It never ceases to disappoint me. Heavy vignetting at 17 and the colours are sort of muddy, well they are when I use it. :( These have been sharpened and colour "tweaked" as best I could.



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Woo Hoo my shiney new Sigma has arrived :thumbsup: Stuck at work though and it's pouring down outside so not sure when I can test it :(

Sorry you're not happy with your lens Kirislin....vignetting can be easliy tweaked in lightroom ;)

Oooooh lucky you, looking forward to some pics :)

On a downer our buyer backed out of settlement right at the end when It came to contract signing... looks like my lens is going to be back on my dream wish list :cry:

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Can I quickly steal the thread?

I'm currently looking for a wide angle at the moment. Looked at the Sigma 10-20mm 3.5 and the Simga 8-16mm 4.5-5.6 and can't decide between them.

[i have a Canon 550D]

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