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Lab At 10months Was Desexed 5 Days Ago And Now Has Bad Cough


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Hi everyone, I have a 10month old lab who was desexed 5 days ago.. there has been no complications but last night while I was at work my hubby said she threw up a few times.. today she hasent been throwing up just has a nasty cough(to the point where it sounds like she is going to throw up but she dosent.. it just sounds like there is something in her throat)

I was wondering if it would have anything to do with the surgery? She has been sleeping most the time.. today she has been back on her food but she has been given small quantities'..I have been giving her water through a siringe as i am worried if she gets Dehydrated.. what are the signs?? Because of the long weekend and today being the queens bday nothing has been open but I have a follow up tommorrow morning with the vet but I thought id ask if anyone knows what it could be? She has been immunized up to date so hopefully that rules out most things she might of picked up at the vet.. she hasent been out since her op so i am really stumped and concerned...

any advice i would really appreciate

Edited by chellz
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Could be kennel cough. If they have a really bad cough it can make them throw up. Manuka honey will soothe the throat.

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Sounds like it could be Kennel Cough...

thankyou.....ohh crap i did think of that.. so she can catch that even if she has been immunized? what r the symptoms? and what do they do to treat it? It can be deadly right?? ohh okay now im stressing..

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Sounds like it could be Kennel Cough...

thankyou.....ohh crap i did think of that.. so she can catch that even if she has been immunized? what r the symptoms? and what do they do to treat it? It can be deadly right?? ohh okay now im stressing..

Definitely not deadly!! Not unless your dog is two weeks old LOL. Don't stress, it's just a doggy cold, although it sounds like her case is nasty. Just keep her warm and quiet and go get her some antibiotics tomorrow :)

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If you have some cough syrup give that to her along with the honey to help suppress the cough and sooth her cough.

If you do go to the vet, please tell them you think she has KC so that they dont put you in a waiting room full of other peoples dogs :)

Also dont take her out in public until she is cough free....so other peoples dogs dont catch it

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Thankyou so much everyone.. I thought because she has been immunized she couldnt catch Kennel cough? Do dogs need antibotics to clear this up or can u use natural remidies in some cases to clear it up? how long does it usually last? My Poor baby.. first an operation and now this :-(

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Benadryl original is okay to give dogs. Maybe ask if the vet can do a carpark consult so you don't have to take your dog out of your car. Dog must be quarantined for about 10 - 14 days.

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Yes they can still get it if they have been vaccinated against it, it just reduces their risks of getting it if they are vaccinated. Imagine it's like a flu shot in people, it protects against some but not all strains/types.

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Thankyou so much everyone.. I thought because she has been immunized she couldnt catch Kennel cough? Do dogs need antibotics to clear this up or can u use natural remidies in some cases to clear it up? how long does it usually last? My Poor baby.. first an operation and now this :-(

It could also be as simple as the tube thay put down her throat to help her breath when she was under....it can irratate the throat.I have had it happen to me....everyone is so quick to jump on the CC train...

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Thankyou so much everyone.. I thought because she has been immunized she couldnt catch Kennel cough? Do dogs need antibotics to clear this up or can u use natural remidies in some cases to clear it up? how long does it usually last? Poor baby.. first an operation and now this :-(

They don't always need antibiotics but if he's coughing so badly he's throwing up i'd recommend it. He will get relief quicker.

Honestly don't stress so much, cough is not a big deal. Just imagine your kid with a cold and a bad cough - you wouldn't freak out. Same thing for your pup :)

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Thankyou so much everyone.. I thought because she has been immunized she couldnt catch Kennel cough? Do dogs need antibotics to clear this up or can u use natural remidies in some cases to clear it up? how long does it usually last? My Poor baby.. first an operation and now this :-(

It could also be as simple as the tube thay put down her throat to help her breath when she was under....it can irratate the throat.I have had it happen to me....everyone is so quick to jump on the CC train...

I had considered this but though it would have been a problem sooner than 5 days post surgery. Antibiotics would only be required if the dog develops an infection (ie snotty nose, rather than just a harsh cough). You can use a vapouriser (steamer) to help them breathe, kinda like you do with babies. If you don't have one then let the dog share the bathroom with you whilst you have a hot shower, the steam will do the same thing.

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She may not be throwing up per se... just hawking up frothy phlegm...

Certainly sounds like Kennel Cough from what you describe - if she is otherwise pretty healthy it shouldn't be of too much concern unless she develops a chest infection. It definitely sounds a lot worse than it is. The vet may prescribe antibiotics as a preventative measure, and honey of any description with soothe her irritated throat. She will probably cough for about 7 days, then you need to keep her quarantined for about 2 weeks as she will still be infectious to other dogs.

I've had quite a few rescue fosters that have had it. The best thing for you to do is soothe her irritated throat and don't panic... *grin*


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Thankyou so much everyone.. I thought because she has been immunized she couldnt catch Kennel cough? Do dogs need antibotics to clear this up or can u use natural remidies in some cases to clear it up? how long does it usually last? My Poor baby.. first an operation and now this :-(

It could also be as simple as the tube thay put down her throat to help her breath when she was under....it can irratate the throat.I have had it happen to me....everyone is so quick to jump on the CC train...

You beat me to it. I was just about to reply the same.

Many dogs after anesthetic developed a cough from the tube.

I know of dogs that have developed Tonsilitis after anesthetics and tubing.

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It could also be as simple as the tube thay put down her throat to help her breath when she was under

Indeed- although normally that irritation is present the next day .. and dogs are usually not lethargic..and off food.

Please contact the vet ..

I'm sure she will drink ... offer her some (no salt) chicken broth if you're worried ..and feed her wet food :)

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Thankyou so much everyone.. I thought because she has been immunized she couldnt catch Kennel cough? Do dogs need antibotics to clear this up or can u use natural remidies in some cases to clear it up? how long does it usually last? Poor baby.. first an operation and now this :-(

They don't always need antibiotics but if he's coughing so badly he's throwing up i'd recommend it. He will get relief quicker.

AB's only help if a secondary infection develops. they won't do a thing for general KC.

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Thankyou so much everyone.. I thought because she has been immunized she couldnt catch Kennel cough? Do dogs need antibotics to clear this up or can u use natural remidies in some cases to clear it up? how long does it usually last? My Poor baby.. first an operation and now this :-(

It could also be as simple as the tube thay put down her throat to help her breath when she was under....it can irratate the throat.I have had it happen to me....everyone is so quick to jump on the CC train...

You beat me to it. I was just about to reply the same.

Many dogs after anesthetic developed a cough from the tube.

I know of dogs that have developed Tonsilitis after anesthetics and tubing.

Sorry after reading the above it might imply that it is not kennel cough. Not the case just, an alternative to think about.

Your vet should always be your first port of call.

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Hi Everyone,

I took ella to the vet and he told me it could be two things kennel cough or while throwing up she might of swallowed it back down again causing it to irritate or maybe get inflamed/infected etc(which I dont think it is).. He put her on antibiotic's that will clear her lungs..

Over the last two days she has improved with still a slight cough but seems to be back to herself, wanting to play..Drinking water,eating.. Just giving her pleanty of rest and cuddles and I think it must of been kennel cough... In reguards to that I told the vet that she might of picked it up from there when she went in for surgery, he was quick to respond ohh no none of the dogs here had/have kennel cough.. but she was fine before she went in and she hasent been anywhere else since the surgery or have not had any contact with other dogs.. I told him just incase other people ring up concerned about their dog.. just doing the right thing and he had a go at me.. was abit anoyyed..

ohh neally forgot thankyou again for everyone whe replied.. I really appreciate all your advice :grouphug:

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