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Please Tell Me The Truth How Does Shelley Look


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She is a lovely colour!

It seems the "golden" retriever is becoming qute rare these days with cream/pale coloured dogs favoured.

I think she could probably lose a little weight as her waist isn't all that defined, but it is hard to tell from photos.

Sorry I am not a GR expert so can't tell you how she'd go in conformation showing.

Maybe go onto the DOL main page at look at some GR profiles of aust champs and see how your girl compares :confused:

She seems very sweet :)

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If you're asking about feedback on her conformation you may want to post this in the 'Show' thread or the 'Goldies' thread.

Perhaps you don't hold her head up so high...

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If you're really interested, you could enter her in a conformation show and get an expert opinion. Not sure how much anyone can really tell you over the internet, without seeing and touching the dog in person.

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The way you are pulling her head up distorts the look of her front end and neck and makes it hard to see her natural earset and check for parallel planes ect. The tail should be held parallel to the body or not at all for a Goldie. Pulling the tail right up can also alter the shape of the stifle.

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Also rather difficult to see her conformation as you have "A" framed her. If you draw an imaginary line (in the photo) up her legs from the ground, you will see that it forms an A. Her front legs need to placed directly under her & her head should not tilted back so far. Have a look at some of the show photos of goldies in the breed sum forum.

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Is this picture any better. I am not very good at stacking. Shelley is 3 years old. Her parents didn't have alot of feathering either.


Here is one of her at around 9-10 months old She saw something she was interested in.


Edited by mumtoshelley
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She is a lovely colour!

It seems the "golden" retriever is becoming qute rare these days with cream/pale coloured dogs favoured.

I have a gorgeous "golden" retriever and asked one of my friends who shows and breeds golden retreivers about why the cream/pale coloured dogs seem around and not the "golden". She said that it is very hard to get a real "golden" colour with proper conformity for the show ring nowadays.

Mum to Shelly have a look at neuter classes if you are interested in showing. I think that Shelly is a very very sweet looking golden. :)

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