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Dogs Names


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Archer is named after a cartoon about a secret agent called Sterling Archer. The character is actually a bit of a jerk but our Archer is a beautiful natured little boy :heart:

We didn't really mind if we got a female or male (fair way down on the waiting list and just happy to get a healthy pup!)Funnily enough we absolutely couldn't agree on a girl's name but were unanimous on the boy.

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My old girl was one of 3 bitchs in a litter already named by the breeder, Millie, Mollie and Mandy so difficult to change that one.

I have a Payton because I had to pay a ton of money to keep him alive, he had major surgery 1/2 way across the country at 9weeks old. My current puppy was meant to be called Miley but she refused to acknowledge the name to the point she would turn her head away s one day I sat down and tried calling her a number of different names. When I called Rainie she bounded over to me, so she picked her own name

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Barker - Johnny Barker Hawks Footy Player

Mitchi - Sam Mitchell Hawks footy plater

Daire - Alasdair which means protector because his kennel name is Blakngold Cerberus - Cerberus was the hound of hades that protected the gates of hell.

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Current dogs...

Zeddy got her name as I was driving home with her... the name Zed popped into my head and I spoke to her using the name... she responded by giving me big licks and cuddles - so Zeddy it was...

Trouble... well... she is a golden Lab... and when she was a pup she was so very naughty... *grin*

Pickles... a disabled rescue foster who was named by the wonderful people who saved her from the aboriginal camp she was born in - she seems to like the name, and I couldn't come up with a better one, so it stuck. My first foster failure... and I love her to bits!

Previous dogs...

Nuppy - our first dog when we were kids. My brother loved a teddy bear that my Grandmother had at her house for him to play with when we visited. It was called Nuppy because my Grandmother had mis-heard the name of the Muppets dog called Muppy. Nuppy was named after Grandma's teddy bear...

Goose - our farm house dog when we were teenagers. The poor pup was the last survivor of a neighbour's litter - he used to come running to share their geese's food when they called the geese - so he seemed to think he was a Goose... lol!

Rebel - very naughty and cheeky crossbreed pup... nuff said... hehe!

Woosie - what else would you call a gorgeous tempered 50kg Rottweiler?

Blossom - Woosie's sister from a different litter... she was not breathing when she was born and I resuscitated her. She was mummy's petal after that...

Rastus - short for Rastus Watermelon, a character in some dirty jokes... I'd always wanted to call a boy dog Rastus... *grin*

Shadow - a stray Rotti girl I found wandering the streets. She was always 1 step behind me whatever I was doing, so she got called Shadow...

Connor - read in a baby book that Connor meant "lover of dogs"... it fit for a soft tempered huge Rotti boy...

Punkin - cheeky Rotti pup...

Dexter - Punkin's brother - he was a bit of a doofus really... lol!

Sadly Punkin and Dexter were only with us for a short time and contracted Parvo... I am very anal about who my dogs mix with as pups now. Both were fully vaccinated, but still caught it... *sigh*


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Lestat - Anne Rice's famous vampire character

Mistral - Laurell K Hamilton fae character, the storm god.

Alchemy - we just liked it

Yngvie - it's in his pedigree name and we stuck with it, his breeder nick named him penguin

Dante - main character from the Devil May Cry games.

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Done this before, but why not do it again!

Atlas - At the time we had a Zeus and I wanted something to match, but also a strong sounding name.

Kaos - Well, as I have said before... come and meet her and you will know why she was named that :laugh:

Cats: Bella - Vet asked me for a name (Was an RSPCA cat) and Bella was the first thing that came to my head! I would love to change it, but she is 10 this year so I wont do it to her!

Fanta - Took me months to name her, I narrowed it down to Phantom, but wasnt happy with it, so got changed to Fanta

Sumo - He is a British Shorthair... no other name would have suited him!

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We named out GR Snowy after my OH's best friend who was killed in Afghanistan last year, his nickname was Snowy. Our dog is quite similar to the real Snowy in that he is a massive show off, always prancing around everywhere and has a tendency of stealing my bras if I leave them lying around and hiding them in his bed...

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Carl came with his name, but I am always being asked if he is named after Carl Williams. :rofl: I almost changed it to Cajun, but there are too many fun nicknames to be made from Carl that I just couldn't!

Mischa was just better than what her breeder named her: Mitzie. Didn't suit at all. I was 13 and doing German at school so I wanted a German name for our German breed. :D

Cleo is short for Cleopatra, but she is not regal at all so the name didn't suit. Shortened to Cleo = much better!

Jag (aka Jaeger) was just the first thing that popped into my head when we adopted him. :)

Edited by halfthewords
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Benson was named by his breeder and he suited it so well we kept it. Dusty was named after Slim Dusty.....I wanted an Australian name for her and named her after an Aussie icon.

Isaak.....well, we wanted a gangster name for him (don't ask me why, it was my husbands idea) but all the ones we could think of we didn't like. Then we remembered a message that had been left on my answering machine once, by a guy from the US, wanting to speak to my husband. The guy has a gangsta accent and his message was "This is Chuck, Chuck Isaac, we needs to talk!" It was hilarious, like something out of a B grade movie and we played it over and over and we'd crack up laughing each time.

So here we have photos of this 6 week old puppy my husband wants to endow with a gangster name and after exhausting the possibilities of the real gangsters and the movie gangsters, we rememberd Chuck Isaac and his gangster accent. And so Isaak had a name.

Shae was originally named Shade, her pedigree name is Dappledinshade, but she came to us as a rescue and we wanted a new name for her new life so we dropped the D and she became Shae. I called her "Shae-o" and sing her the Banana Boat song.......Shae-o, Shaaaaaaaeeee-oooooo....daylight come and me wanna go home.

I know, that's dumb, but I love her to bits and I want her to feel special for once in her life.

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Well Brutus was named by my Husband, he is big and boofy so it suited. His full title - Brutus Boofhead Beefcake. That suited him as well as he is not the sharpest tool in the shed!

Rommi - her rego'd name is Lil Sea Urchin, we live in the Bay Of Isles, so I wanted something to do with the sea, Romi is Welsh for sea mist, added the extra M and we got Rommi.

Lewis was already named when he came to us at 8 months, but it was one I had voted on out of the 4 that were short listed for him as a baby puppy, so when he came there was no way I was changing it :)

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Benson was named by his breeder and he suited it so well we kept it. Dusty was named after Slim Dusty.....I wanted an Australian name for her and named her after an Aussie icon.

Isaak.....well, we wanted a gangster name for him (don't ask me why, it was my husbands idea) but all the ones we could think of we didn't like. Then we remembered a message that had been left on my answering machine once, by a guy from the US, wanting to speak to my husband. The guy has a gangsta accent and his message was "This is Chuck, Chuck Isaac, we needs to talk!" It was hilarious, like something out of a B grade movie and we played it over and over and we'd crack up laughing each time.

So here we have photos of this 6 week old puppy my husband wants to endow with a gangster name and after exhausting the possibilities of the real gangsters and the movie gangsters, we rememberd Chuck Isaac and his gangster accent. And so Isaak had a name.

Shae was originally named Shade, her pedigree name is Dappledinshade, but she came to us as a rescue and we wanted a new name for her new life so we dropped the D and she became Shae. I called her "Shae-o" and sing her the Banana Boat song.......Shae-o, Shaaaaaaaeeee-oooooo....daylight come and me wanna go home.

I know, that's dumb, but I love her to bits and I want her to feel special for once in her life.


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I was looking for names for ages before Lottie arrived here - I was always looking on name pages to try and come up with something. And then I saw the name 'Lottie' and LOVED it!!! I also had the name 'Ava' picked out as well (luckily I didn't go with that, as there's now another aussie called Ava on here ;) :D ), but I wasn't going to decide until I met her - well she bowled into my life and was definitely a Lottie!! I think it suits her sooo much!!

I kind of have my next name picked out - I love the name 'Josie'!! So, hopefully by the time I get another Aussie I can use it :D

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Cherry - because when she was a puppy, the colouring on her ears reminded Mum of cherries.

Micha - because he's a Siberian Husky and needed a Russian sounding name (it was that, or Zhivago!)

Daisy - I had a lot of other names picked out for her but when we first saw her pic at 5 weeks of age she just looked like a Daisy!

I have two names shortlisted for my next pup, I love them both already!

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My first dog Gizmo because she looked like the character in Gremlins. My second dog Jamie because as a pup he looked like Animal or Agro but I couldn't call a dog Agro so named him after Jamie Dunn. My current dogs are Aja (I wanted a "rock" name and couldn't find any female singers whose names I liked so I went for the name of an album from a band I like) and Granville (who is a rehome and was already called that).

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Akira - We wanted a name that would suit a Siberian Husky. We were driving home from the breeders and the name "Akira" popped into my head. Got home, did a Google search for "Siberian Husky names" and Akira was the first one on the list. It seemed like fate, so that became her name. Apparently means "intelligent" and I suppose she has her moments!

Halo - I didn't want it to sound like Akira, so it couldn't start with A, C or K or end in an A. Gave a million names to OH, he didn't like any of them. One day, was on Facebook and Beyonce's song Halo came up and I went "oh, that's the name". OH liked it, I liked it, and it was kind of like fate too because Halo's half sister is named Beyonce, and it was Beyonce that really made me take notice of the lappies.

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