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Dogs Names


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As I am only fairly new to DOL I apologise in advance if this question has already been asked BUT where did your dog's name come from?I have two rescue greyhounds which I changed both of their names when I got them.I have a big blue boy whom I named Stan and a little white and brindle girl whom I named Maddie(or the divine miss "M").Stan comes from a wonderful old barman I used to work with who used to love the "dishlickers".Maddie's original name was Skye.I think a very peaceful name but from the day she walked in my house as a foster I new she was mad!Mad as a cut snake my girl but SO much personality so Maddie it was.Both foster failures that I adore.I just love human names.When I worked at a boarding kennel we had a dog named Steve,his surname was Stevens,Steve Stevens it still cracks me up!So where did you get your dog's name from? :)

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Emma came with her name. I got her as a 9yo rescue from the RSPCA, found it it had been her name since she was born now that I've met her breeder!

Kenzie - hours and hours of internet trawling!!!! Before my new little pup even was in existence I was writing a massive list of names!! Then decided I wanted something Scottish (plus about 5 other specific criteria). After I'd had her for 2 days I then discovered the name Kenzie and went with it 5 mintues after finding it - the other 60 names I'd been dwelling over all got thrown out!!

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Joss came from a list of names that my sister's boss wrote down when I visited her at work with my new puppy. I absolutely couldn't find a name that fit, and she suggested Joss amongst about 10 others.

Rupert is just a really tops name :D And it's a little bit serious and a little bit silly, like he is.

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Amber was nameless for about a week as nothing seemed to suit. But then overheard someone at the vets calling their dog Amber and it seemed perfect for my girl who has a hint of ginger in her coat.

Angelo- After compiling almost a hundred potential names this was the only one my OH liked! It suits him as he is a Japanese Spitz, so being white and fluffy he couldn't pull off a very masculine name. He is angelic though :)

Annika- We seemed to have an 'A' theme going on (and even with my DOL username oddly!) plus we wanted a Finnish name for our Lappie. I like the name Anakin as well. Plus OH agreed on it!

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Flash is for the comic book hero (although our Flash is a female JRT) it really suits her as she is always going from one place to another as quick as a flash.

Barkley is from Sesame Street - when I first saw him he had a fringe covering his eyes that was orange (now he is black and silver - marked like a Schnauzer).

Acheron is from Greek mythology and also a character from a book series that OH loves. He is a sexy, dangerous guy but overall he is good - just like a Doberman! ;)

Our next dog will be a female British Bulldog and she will be called Simi - from the same series that Acheron is from - Simi is Acherons pet demon. :D

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Brennan's name came from the fact that I am an obsessive fan of the Bones TV series. I wanted a name for a female GSD that would suit the breed. I was watching one of my Bones dvds one day when I thought about how the character of Brennan is ''Beautiful, independent, intelligent, faithful to her friends, tough but vulnerable, funny, and strong''. I realised these are all words I'd use to describe a German Shepherd, and so that's how my girl became Brennan. The name suits her too :D.

When I am in a position to get my male GSD he will be called Booth (to complete the pair). However unlike their TV counterparts there shall be no 'romancing' ;) .

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My boys are named after legendary musicians

Harrison - George Harrison

Dylan - Bob Dylan

My absolute GOD is Eric Clapton but Eric or Clapton just doesn't work for a name :laugh:

My next Poodle will be female & she will be Arwen Evenstar

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Emma came with her name. I got her as a 9yo rescue from the RSPCA, found it it had been her name since she was born now that I've met her breeder!

Wow! How did you find her breeder?

Our boys are Jackson and Tintin. I named Jackson after a nutty dog I had as a kid who I adored. It wasn't until I had named him that I realised that just about every other JRT is Jackson. D'oh!

Tintin is named after the boy in the French cartoon, not the movie with the GSD. We have a vintage Orangina poster with Tintin and Snowy on it. Our son decided our new pup should be called Tintin. We now have quite a collection of Tintin things - dvd's, cartoons etc.

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Lotta got her name because as soon as my 4yo daughter met her at the pound, she just started calling her that, it seemed perfect and stuck :)

I think it's a name from the children's cartoon 'Charlie and Lola'?

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Many years ago I traced the pedigree of my Sibie boy, for some friends who had bought one of his babies. One of the first registered Sibies was a dog called Suggen, so that is my boys name. His sister is called Freyja - the Norse Queen, wife of Odin

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Maddison - We couldnt think of a name for our Cav, and hubbie was watching TV, there was a Kids quiz show on and one the the girls was called Maddison. She gets called Mad for short

Sasha was alraedy named by her breeder and we kept it.

Mykah - Mykie is named after Mica because it was the only thing I could think of that was black LOL

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We had the name Pippa,Short for Philipa ,chosen for our 3 rd daughter.But when she was born we didn't think it suited her.So picked another name. When we got our dog; we named her Pippa,It suited her very well.

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Emma came with her name. I got her as a 9yo rescue from the RSPCA, found it it had been her name since she was born now that I've met her breeder!

Wow! How did you find her breeder?

Had her birthdate on her microchip form, knew her previous home had called her Emma, then a series of chance meetings with people who thought she looked like a show dog and as it ended up knew her breeder so then put me in touch with her. About 3 weeks ago Em and her breeder got to re-meet each other again after 12 years of being apart!!! :thumbsup:

Back on topic... I guess it shows how important a name can be - even if I didn't choose it!!!

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Bronte is named after the Bronte sisters - I'm a book nut.

Ren's name is from the main character in Footloose, but interestingly I found out months after I chose it that its also the Japanese word for love, romance and lotus. Given his registered name is First Romance, it was meant to be.

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TV shows :laugh:

:thumbsup: my next female is going to be "Tempe" from Bones, Brennans mum! Love the show and was thinking of calling my next male, "Booth" :D

Lol Brennan's nickname is Tempe, Temperance or Bones-gal :laugh:. When I try and be ''cross'' with her she gets Brennan Temperance :laugh:

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Black rescue dog known as - Sooty! Couldn't think of anything else but "Jet" which he wasn't..... so stayed Sooty.

Long story but I found myself driving home (2 weeks after getting Sooty) with a berserk frantic golden chihuahua x foxy who had spent the first 8 months of her life locked up. I swear it took from Sydney to Orange before she stopped going mental.

When I finally got home she came out of the crate, jumped on the lounge and sat still with her mouth shut. Finally :eek:

I looked at her and she was really seriously cute (when she wasn't screeching)... I told her she was a bit of a gem and suddenly knew she was meant to be "Gemma".

Funny as with the first dog I had no idea, very whatever. But the second ,she was definitely a Gemma. We are weird.

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I just thought Bailey was cute for a fluffy little Golden pup. No real story there.

Jess is named after my step-dad's BC mix he had when he was younger, who I believe was named after the Footrot Flats Jess.

I was awfully uncreative with their names. I already have a list of more unique name's for my next dog :p

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