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Getting A Friend For Our Newfoundland


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Not to sound mean or anything but I would not get another dog, to me your dog is not in an ideal home situation locked away on her own and with 2 kids in the mix It will never get better as she will jump up on them and without being allowed inside to correct the behaviour nothing is going to change.

I know it sounds horrible but have you thought that maybe your household at the moment may not be the best home for a dog??

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You need to work on your relationship with your current dog befor eyou consider getting another, otherwise you'll just have two naughty, giant dogs that jump on you!

I think you may need professional help with getting her issues under control, especially with 2 young kids in the mix. I also recommend K9pro if you're in the sydney area.

How much exercise and training does she get? A dog walker is a good idea if you dont feel confident walking her.

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Oh..... and if your husband noticed your girl bleeding any time up to a month or so ago... and you are still going to the breeders- do NOT take her with you ! The breeder may not be impressed at bringing a bitch along who may still be in season.. (first seasons can be a bit odd) and whose scent may cause some disruptions to dogs and bitches alike .

Just thought of that .....

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the bleeding was a few months ago & my husband said he hasnt seen anything since then so i am guessing she is not on heat on the moment. The breeder knows that she is not desexed, so hopefully we won have to worry about that.

No the situation at the moment isnt ideal, obviously - but it will change in a few months - even though i wont have much time i can still play with her briefly during the day & i can try the crate idea inside (we have a crate that she goes in downstairs sometimes) so at least she will near us until she learns to settle down a bit more. Its just that circumstances change (we didnt plan tp have another baby so close together) & unfortunately we dont get to spend as much time with her as we can at the moment - but the pregnancy is the main issue & that comes to an end in a couple of months. She is walked everyday & my husband plays with her briefly in the morning before he goes to work - i imagine this is the same scenario for most dogs whose owners work - so her life isnt that bad, but i agree its not ideal at the momtent - we love her & want to do whats best for her - which is why i was on here getting advice from everybody. I am sure in the very near future things will be much better.

anyway, i am swaying towards just focusing on getting through the next few months somehow & then slowly introducing her to be inside more & more rather than trying to fix it all by getting her a friend.

You are right, having two dogs outside might be worse than one that will eventually be inside - thanks for everyones advice i really appreciate it.

I will look into the k9 training, i tried to find a behaviourist when she was a puppy & most of them told me to wait until she was older & the one we did get wasnt the right fit - so i am willing to try & find another who can give us some tips. She isnt naughty though, its just that she is so excited to see us that she gets carried away - other than that she is very well behaved, she only eats once we give the command & she sits & walks well. She is never let outside of our yard (fort knox) unless she is being walked & then she is on a lead so there is no issues with her getting pregnant.

Thanks again for everyones advice.I am sure my newfie would say thanks if she could.

Edited by StormTrooper
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the bleeding was a few months ago & my husband said he hasnt seen anything since then

Ok... seems early for a first season in a giant breed .. but if it was , then now would be a good time to get her speyed :) That's good news :)

Hopefully, contacting K9pro now will enable you to have some help in this last stage of your pregnancy, and before you are overwhelmed with all that a new baby entails :)

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Sorry, a bit OT, but I'm curious. Can I ask why she isn't desexed yet? Are you waiting until she gets to a certain age or something? (I know nothing about Newfoundlands.)

It is recommended for large/giant females to be allowed to have one season before spaying, for their growth :)

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Sorry, a bit OT, but I'm curious. Can I ask why she isn't desexed yet? Are you waiting until she gets to a certain age or something? (I know nothing about Newfoundlands.)

It is recommended for large/giant females to be allowed to have one season before spaying, for their growth :)

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you :)

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Sorry, a bit OT, but I'm curious. Can I ask why she isn't desexed yet? Are you waiting until she gets to a certain age or something? (I know nothing about Newfoundlands.)

It is recommended for large/giant females to be allowed to have one season before spaying, for their growth :)

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you :)

Oh ,i see as well,thanks .You can learn something everyday.

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