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Bad News Now Not So Bat At All


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My son has just phoned me (he is devastated), big Alfie his Weimaraner is at the vet. The vet has told son that Alfie has a heart murmur and fluid around his lungs. Alfie is 7.5 yrs old and generally had good health. The vet has told son that this may be the end for the big dog :cry: Dog is having xrays and son will know much more by the end of this afternoon. Please keep Alfie in your thoughts. My son also needs a thought, he has never lost an animal yet (he is 40) and this was his heart dog, and he will be heartbroken if the worst is the very worst.

Alfie has been coughing (like he had something in his throat - known by me as the heart cough), and he has been bringing up clear fluid.

Edited by Loraine
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My daughters dog Nala has the same. She was told that she may not last the week............. its now 3 mths later. The vets are really surprised.

She is on lots of drugs but she is doing well plus she is happy.

Don't give up hope just yet.

Horts in the M&M thread had a Dane cross who also had the same. He lasted years after they diagnosed him......against all odds.

Good luck.....and hugs

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Thank you all for your good thoughts. Alfie is at the vet this morning for an ultra sound. Son will phone me later today with the latest prognosis. I met Hort's Kuga, great old man to the end.

I know my son is feeling quite upset as he rarely chats for more than a couple of seconds to his Mum. He was asking me about drugs and treatments (I am good for something :D ).

I will post the outcome of the scans as soon as I know anything.

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Sending best wishes for Alphie. Its such a terribly worrying time, and I hope its good news in the end. People who don't have dogs think its silly to say this, but its true that when you lose a dog, often it feel like you have lost a child. I don't think that is silly at all, it makes complete sense. Hopefully it is not Alphie's time yet.

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My daughters dog Nala has the same. She was told that she may not last the week............. its now 3 mths later. The vets are really surprised.

She is on lots of drugs but she is doing well plus she is happy.

Don't give up hope just yet.

Horts in the M&M thread had a Dane cross who also had the same. He lasted years after they diagnosed him......against all odds.

Good luck.....and hugs

Thinking of you, your son and Alfie :grouphugs:

Jessie, now at the "Bridge" was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy when she was 9.5 years and the prognosis was "6 months, 12 if she's lucky". Jessie made it to 3 years and managed to live life to the fullest :) As well as drugs I had Jessie on a pile of vitamins, herbs etc and a BARF diet. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further info or just a shoulder to cry on. I know what you are going thru' :( Heart disease is a real bitch :cry:

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