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Puppy Nipping Fingers When He Gets A Treat


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Hi guys. Moose is certainly not my first puppy but I honestly don't remember how to fix this problem, I know Zephyr used to do it as well, but how did I break him from it? Can't remember!!! :o

When I give Moose a treat (eg. for sitting, coming when called, whatever) he is so excited that he bites my fingers. Those little puppy needles bloody hurt! :eek:

Thanks in advance :)

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Try offering the treat with a flat hand instead of in your fingertips? Maybe feed his dry food by hand at a really high rate (maybe to reinforce bridge word/click, or simple behaviours like puppy push ups) so that he isn't SOOOO excited the moment he sees your fingertips coming towards him.

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Have puppy infront of you, have a treat is your closed fist, put your first in front of the dog, open you hand, if the dog moves towards the treat close your fist, repeat repeat repeat until the dog does no longer assumes they can just take the treat then say YES and take the treat out of your hand with your other hand and give it to the dog.

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Have puppy infront of you, have a treat is your closed fist, put your first in front of the dog, open you hand, if the dog moves towards the treat close your fist, repeat repeat repeat until the dog does no longer assumes they can just take the treat then say YES and take the treat out of your hand with your other hand and give it to the dog.


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My 3 year BC, Sonny is as gentle as can be when taking anything out of your hand, you don't feel a thing but my 7 month old Stella is dreadful. She is soooo excited & soooo food driven

all you feel are her little teeth & I swear she inhales what ever I give her :laugh: . So I am really pleased to read I am not alone with this problem. I will try the close my hand thing Meh,&

see how that goes as I am not sure how to fix this as I have never had a 'little miss piggy' with her treats before. She is like it with her dinner as well. She eats really quickly & then tries

to be a helpful sister & see if she can give Sonny a 'hand' to polish his off as well if I'd let her. :o

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We taught Earl to wait till we say OK before he takes the treat - first he sits then we hold the treat and say 'wait' - if he moves to take it we repeat the 'wait' while moving the treat back then 'ok' and he takes it - the fact he can fit my whole hand in his mouth kind of made us think about this :)

And I do not miss the puppy teeth at all :)

Edited by KelpieHoundMum
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hold treat enclosed in your hand with just a tiny bit accessible, hold it out and say gently.....when pup tries to grab, withdraw, repeat process....you will find that puppy gets slower and gentler as he tries to work out how to get hold of it.....if you persist patiently you will find that eventually the pup will try to suck it out from inside your hand......has worked with all my dogs and they are incredibly gentle after being taught this....and no puppy teeth to worry aobut!

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