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Goodbye Chester Boy


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This morning when I went to move your hutch to some fresh grass I was so shocked to see that your brothers had pushed you out of the cozy bed into the cold. I know they were upset over the carrot episode yesterday, but I didn't think they would punish you like that. :(

I'm so sorry you died cold and lonely. I'm so sorry I didn't just bring you all inside.

I failed you. I promised to give you a loving good home and only 8 months later you were gone.

You can now enjoy the biggest carrots to yourself and graze on a continuous flow of long fresh green grass under a never ending warm sun.

Fly free little mate. You were more than just a guinea pig. You gave the entire family so much joy.


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I'm so sorry about Chester. Don't blame yourself, you didn't know. It's probably a good idea to move the guineas to a warmer position though in winter. They don't cope well with the cold.

We always had ours inside the house. :hug:

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They are inside now and very very quiet. Do they hibernate in Winter?

They were very noisy until I brought them in and now they are so quiet I have to keep checking to see that they are alive :o

They seem to be eating still though and squeak when I pick them up for cuddles.

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I am very sorry for your loss but don't beat yourself up these things happen and could ahve been many reasons why he died. Guinea pigs like the cold and do well in it, its the heat you have to worry about as once it gets to around 30 then you have to start taking precautions. Guinea pigs do not hibernate and I would suggest if they live outside to cover their cage at night when it is cool and have plenty of hay in their bed.

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Eat well over the bridge, Chester .

Guineas do have their likes/dislikes ..and can fight .

Make sure these two now are somewhere sheltered overnight ..and have HEAPS of clean hay /shredded paper in which to tunnel and keep warm :)

Edited by persephone
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