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Erik's Watching Deadly 60


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corvus, I'm looking forward to the findings of your study! I think it's really interesting what different dogs react to (and amusing :laugh: ). I wonder if the difference is whether they are actually able to perceive things or just whether they react to them?

Nik, your comment about the Totally Wild music reminded me that Saxon reacts to the sound of certain ads coming on and runs to the tv, particularly the Kleenex long roll toilet paper one where the Lab starts as a puppy and then grows up and the Pedigree puppy food one with the Lab puppy in the maze...He barks at the puppies, so cute!

Wuffles, Ava reacting to the dog on the screen also reminded me, I have the Ruthless fundraising dog calendar at home which has a photo of a dog for each month. I showed Saxon each photo as I turned over the months and he didn't react to the first few so I thought he probably couldn't see a printed still picture, then we came to one he apparently could see and got quite scared of :shrug: (I'm trying to remember which dog it...)

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