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Flea / Heartwormers - Recommendation


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What do people use to control flea's / worms in their dogs. We have a Silky Terrier and use advantix & interceptor once a month.

Just wondering what other people use and if there is a more cost effective solution (I need to get some more of both so was going to try and see if I could get it cheaper online).

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I buy Valuheart, which is the generic equivalent of Heartgard, only you save more than half of the cost. As for fleas, I use Advantix but it doesn't seem to be working anymore so I'll have to change soon. :mad

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I have found Sentinel Spectrum to be the best value. It is heart worming, intestinal worming and flea treatment. I switched to this years ago as I found frontline and advantage flea treatment did not work. Since using Sentinel Spectrum we never have fleas.

I find it is cheaper (and alot easier) than buying all the products separately. You can also save money but switching to Interceptor (no flea treatment) in winter if fleas are not a problem.

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we use ValuHeart for heart worm...it is so much cheaper than anything else...for fleas we use Comfortis every once and awhile....we dont have any fleas most of the time where we are at the moment...

Edited by missmoo
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Comfortis and heartard here too.

We had dramas with fleas a while ago, spent a fortune on flea treatments, bombing the house etc etc, and in the end comfortis was the only one that got rid of the little buggers.

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Sentinel Spectrum here - we don't need the H/w here, but it's handy for when we go to the mainland, and it does the hydatid tawpeworm worming required fro bringing dogs back into Tasmania.

Just a word of warning about products if you have a breed with the mdr1 gene sensitivity to ivermectin and related products - some good information hereivermectin sensitivity

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I use Heartgard. I've never heard of valuheart - any rec's on where I can buy it? I just bought a 6pk of the Heartgard but will keep it in mind for when it runs out. It is quite pricey!

This place is by far the cheapest you'll find stuff like flea protection and heartworm protection etc etc. This is where I buy my stuff, but I'm also looking into Trixanpet.com.au since five minutes ago because they have a price match guarantee so that could be fun. :laugh:
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I use Heartgard. I've never heard of valuheart - any rec's on where I can buy it? I just bought a 6pk of the Heartgard but will keep it in mind for when it runs out. It is quite pricey!

This place is by far the cheapest you'll find stuff like flea protection and heartworm protection etc etc. This is where I buy my stuff, but I'm also looking into Trixanpet.com.au since five minutes ago because they have a price match guarantee so that could be fun. :laugh:

Thanks for the link, they are cheap. Are they in Aust? I have used Trixanpet and vetproductsdirect before for flea treatments.

I use comfortis and mine have the yearly heartworm inject.

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The web address (.com.au) signifies that they're an Aussie website :) Shipping is free too, which is what I love about it too. No nasty surprises during the checkout process! XD

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I use Heartgard. I've never heard of valuheart - any rec's on where I can buy it? I just bought a 6pk of the Heartgard but will keep it in mind for when it runs out. It is quite pricey!

This place is by far the cheapest you'll find stuff like flea protection and heartworm protection etc etc. This is where I buy my stuff, but I'm also looking into Trixanpet.com.au since five minutes ago because they have a price match guarantee so that could be fun. :laugh:

Thanks for the link, they are cheap. Are they in Aust? I have used Trixanpet and vetproductsdirect before for flea treatments.

I use comfortis and mine have the yearly heartworm inject.

Thanks! Their prices work out about the same as priceless pets (who i currently use) once you take into account the free postage (for frontline and heartgard anyway)

I will definately give the Valuheart a shot next time though, as it is alot cheaper, and priceless pets don't sell that.

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We use Frontline Plus in the summer months for fleas, Valuheart for heartworm and Drontal for all-wormers. Used to buy the chewables but Miss Halo refuses to eat them, so I now buy the tablets because Akira's dumb enough to still think they're food and I can easily slip them down Halo's throat. :laugh:

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I buy Valuheart, which is the generic equivalent of Heartgard, only you save more than half of the cost. As for fleas, I use Advantix but it doesn't seem to be working anymore so I'll have to change soon. :mad

is there ivermectin in either of these products?

I have to be careful - I have a breed that can be sensitive.

Currently use Revolution here. Recommended as best for my breed and for a bitch I will be mating in a month or so. Not that cheap though.

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I buy Valuheart, which is the generic equivalent of Heartgard, only you save more than half of the cost. As for fleas, I use Advantix but it doesn't seem to be working anymore so I'll have to change soon. :mad

is there ivermectin in either of these products?

I have to be careful - I have a breed that can be sensitive.

Currently use Revolution here. Recommended as best for my breed and for a bitch I will be mating in a month or so. Not that cheap though.

Yeah they do. The only heartwormer I know that doesn't have ivermectin is Proheart, but best you do your own research on heartworming meds that are suitable for your breed, I'm no vet :laugh:
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Thanks for the tips guys.

I was previously using Sentinal Spectrum however changed to advantix / interceptor, I think because of the tick prevention.

Talking to my vet though she said it is very rare that she sees any dogs in our area affected with ticks.

Are there any other disadvantages using sentinal over a advantix/interceptor combo?

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I think that sentinel only makes the adult fleas sterile. So if you your dog gets fleas say from a friends house they will live on the dog until they die but can not reproduce. So you may still see fleas on your dog and your dog may still scratch. Some one can correct me if i am wrong.

Advantix kills adult fleas and their eggs as well. Interceptor are flavoured tablets and my dog does not really like them but your dog may be fine.

Edited by skyesblue
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