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Dog Friendly Cafes


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Wow, I'm feeling very pleased with where I live right now. My SBT boy is welcomed practically everywhere. Most of the cafe's here have waterbowls for the pooches and I've never noticed dirty looks from cafe staff or patrons. Nearly everyone wants to come up and pet him. The bottleshop people have made a fuss out of him since he was a wee pup and now he throws himself at the windows to get a pat from them, actually he does this anytime we stop wind the window down and a person appears lol :laugh:.

We do live in a pretty sleepy beachside town (well sleepy in winter wanyway).

I heart my town :love:

Edited by Polgara's Shadow
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I think whilst some cafes might be "dog tolerant" they aren't all that "friendly" from a dog's perspective.

I'd rather buy a take away and sit in a park without having to worry about my dog being trodden on, having things dropped or spilt on them, being accosted by other dogs or kids or presenting a risk to service staff.

If I want to have a coffee and a gas bag with my friends, the dogs stay home or we go to somewhere more genuinely dog friendly.

We may like to kids ourselves but Australians aren't all that tolerant. I tend to go for conflict avoidance and simply don't take my dogs places where some won't welcome them.

On another note, I think a lot of accommodation that advertises itself as "dog friendly" isn't. A place that won't allow dogs inside isn't "dog friendly" in my book.

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