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How did you know when it was the right time to change breeds?

I had hoped to add to the family this year but thing's have happened so i cant have the dog i want from the breeder i want.

I have been spending a fair amount of time with a breed that i never thought i would own the more time i spend with this breed i want to own one.

So now im a little confused i have gotten to know another stafford breeder that i would like to purchase a pup from that wont be breeding for a while again and i could wait untill then, at the same time iv meet a few breeders of the other breed that have all said they are happy for me to be an owner of one of thier pup's.

your thoughts?


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Never actually changed breeds as such, but I have had other breeds apart from my main one (Staffords). If you know you're in a position to do what the 'new' breed needs (in my case one was a heavily coated breed) and it's a breed you click with - then it's probably the right time to do it.

Any reason you always thought this breed wasn't really for you - reasons that might turn out to be valid in two or three years - or did you always just think you knew the breed and it turned out you were mistaken? This would be the only thing that would make me think again, but if I was just wrong about the breed and now have the right information then I'd go where my heart was leading.

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Not sure how to answer that question... it all depends on you and your home situation. Also it depends on how much you love the new breed.

I have a Cav x and a Japanese Spitz and I often get ask (in surprised) 'How do they get along? 2 totally different breeds'. My 2 get along great with each other, but Charlie is so laid back, easy going and been socialised with so many different kind of breeds that he would be find with any dog I came home with.

Just research different breeds, talk to breeders on how they think that particular breed will get along with your dogs at home and make your decision from there. What other breed are you looking at?

Sometimes you do have to wait for a while for the right pup to come along... I know a few people who has been waiting for over 2 years for their right puppy.

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I think there are quite a few breeds out there that will suit one person.

In some ways, if you have had a dog for a long time, getting a different breed does make the transition easier as you don't have the same expectations.

I absolutely adore aussies and labs and both my dogs are/have been the absolute best companions and dogs ever!!!

I love a lot of breeds and would like to own quite a few different breeds.

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I dont think i will ever be without a stafford they have always been in my life so i couldnt imagin not having one. :D

The other breed im looking into is aussie shep's, a compleatly differnt type of dog.

The reasons i never thought i would own one was due to my own misconceptions about them, the more time i speend getting to know them the more i realise i was wrong :laugh:

Iv had diesel out meeting all the aussies i can and so far there has been no bad reactions, he goes for a run with thelinks two aussies fairly regularly and has even ajusted his play style to suit them.

I guess that i have spent the past 2 years learning about staffords and showing, so that if our next family member just happened to be the quality it's breeder would want in the ring i could do that.

Im now organising to learn as much as i can about aussies so i dont go into the new breed with my eyes closed if you know what i mean

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You could add one of each ;) :laugh:

You already have a staffie though so perhaps it is time to try something new?

Aussies are a great breed and very versatile and adaptable

I find it hard to believe one could not love an aussie, though i am biased!

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Guest Willow

I don;t think I could ever have more than one of the same breed....I would end up comparing them, and there are also so many breeds that would "fit" with us, I want own them all at some point!

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You could add one of each ;) :laugh:

Not a bad idea! :)

Seriously, we'd always had working dog breeds..finishing with shelties. My 2 last shelties were senior dogs, when it was decided to consider another breed because of lifestyle changes. A smaller calm housedog type. A tibbie filled that bill.

There was a transitional period when there were 2 senior shelties & a 3 yr old tibbie. Now it's only tibbies.

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I didn't so much change breeds to a wheaten; it was more like adding to a list. We were thinking of another kerry but then my dad saw Dermott, our eventual wheaten pup's sire. 'I want one,' he said. And so get one we did. Didn't make me want kerries any less.

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I used to think that I could only ever share my life with a Rottie (or 5)... but I got a Rottie/Pittie cross pup for the other half (now ex other half), and she decided that I was the one to devote herself to... she's now nearly 12 and still with me...

My brother and I adopted a Labrador each - Trouble is now 5, and I don't think I was quite prepared for exactly how rambunctious and naughty a young Lab can be... and the shedding... aarrgghh!! Don't think I'd go for another Lab... lovely dogs once they grow a brain though...

My most recent adoption is a true blue Aussie camp dog - god knows what breeds are in there - she was born in an Aboriginal camp in the middle of the Northern Territory, and a kind soul noticed she was disabled (brain injury that causes an awkward gait) and brought her to Sydney to the rescue that I foster for. I was fostering her and just fell in love with her always happy and great attitude to life, so I adopted her. Pickles has fit in perfectly with my other girls, and she also plays well with other foster pups, so win-win all around there.

Working with rescue has also given me plenty of opportunity to interact with a large number of different breeds (and their crosses) - and really, I've found that it's the DOG that steals your heart, not it's breed mix... *grin*


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It's a big choice. Especially when you've got a 2 dog rule

(or in our case 2 dog council law) to consider.

Part of me wants another husky, but another part says 'no not again' and my partner has said NO to any more huskies.

I love the breed, but then you have an OMG why do I own one of these dogs moments.

The spitz thread has introduced us to lappies and we really like them.

I'm also very keen on an Aussie or a Smooth Collie :laugh:

If / when we get another dog it has to get on with Esky and she seems to be a fan for working breeds as well :laugh:

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A like variety. My current two dogs are almost opposites!

I think that every dog we own helps us understand a little more about what traits suit us. But no matter what breed, you'll love it anyway!

Personally I don't think you can go past Aussies though. :laugh:

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My lifestyle changed. I had less room and worked longer hours. I decided another Doberman was not going to suit me as a result and so I started to look around at other breeds. At the same time I looked for traits in a new breed that counter balanced the things about Dobes that I could improve. I say improve because my Dobe was a sensational dog and I there was nothing about her that I would have changed very much.

Oh yeah, I was also interested in a breed that didn't drive people to constantly cross the road to avoid me. :laugh:

I often say that Bronte is my Sasha reincarnated. They are very different is some ways, but Bronte does have some personality habits that are just identical to my old girl. I'm blessed I guess.

One day I'll branch out from Collie Smooths too, high of the list of next breeds to try are ACD's, Cardigan Corgis, Std Poodles, Whippets, Greyhounds and Border Terriers, but its likely the ACD will win out as I'm a herding junkie. But there will always be one or two Smooths in the household for sure, they are just divine.

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I could never got out of Sammie's, they are just so perfect for me but I and my OH want a few other breeds eventually.

Our next non Sammie is a Bullmastiff, hows that for a difference! :laugh: And we have been waiting for one for over a year now and thee=re is a good chance it will be a few more years before we get one, the breeder we like dosn't breed much but their dogs are so lovely that it's worth the wait.

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I had Vizslas as a kid and while I've always loved them, I wanted something that was mine. We picked the Husky in the end, loving the independent streak and high energy levels. We decided to go with the lappie for the second dog cos we wanted something that was still independent but not quite as stubborn as Akira. Halo's a perfect fit for us and the next dog we get will be another lappie - though we'll probably always have a husky around.

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We have two Australian silky terriers. We were looking for a "big dog" to replace our border collie who sadly died. It was down too getting a border collie and an Australian cattle dog. But we fell in love with Newfoundlands. Now we have 2 Newfie babies on the way (long story there). One tiny breed and a massive breed. We are now currently finding a house with land to relocate too hahaha :) I think you just know what breed is for you :) and it all comes down to patience!

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I dont think I could ever stick to one breed, the problem is I can never decide on what my next breed is actaully going to be :laugh: I dont have to worry about that for a while though as I wont be able to get another dog for a while.

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well we were going to have white shepherds :laugh: then we found raz complete accident and best buy ever :thumbsup: he sold me on the koolie breed, so now i have 2 :D i did start off by comparing her behaviour to his, but not so much anymore i have realised she is a completely diff dog, she is super soft compared to him. i guess one day we will have a shepherd for my OH but i think i might always have a koolie, unless my lifestyle changes so drastically i cannot give them what they require

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