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My Puppy Frank!

Guest _MADCAT_

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Guest Angel88

Hey all, I've been on this site for quite some time and recently got myself a Brindle Bullmastiff "Frank" from a breeder in Sydney.

He's turning 17 weeks old on monday and is 17.3kg already!

He graduates puppy school in 4 weeks then begins the next level of puppy school! he's such a good boy!

He knows sit, stay, drop, heel, paw, etc. He's a quick learner but throws some tantrums at puppy class! he loves to flop on the floor and not do anymore, but he's slowly starting to stop throwing his puppy fits haha!

All the trainers and other parents at puppy school love frank, he's a real people puppy!!

So I thought I'd show you guys some pictures of when I got him, his wonderful sleeping positions and an inside to his personality!

The night we got him from the airport!


visiting my now ex's mums dog Pug Hugo


His fav toy!


His fav sleeping position


Can I come inside mum? (at his grandma's house, the doggy door is for the Pug)


Crossing his legs while sleeping on his back - he sleeps on his back almost every night!


wanting his treat


Sitting nicely and starting to look like a teenager


and lastly this is how he basically wakes up every morning!


Thanks for looking!

sorry for the overload of pictures. But I'll happily update as frank gets older!

From Frank, Josie and Josh

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Guest Angel88

He's gorgeous! :love:

Large breed pups are always so cute with their huge paws!

aww thank you!

He's so goofy when he runs, still learning how to actually USE his paws! he's starting to get the hang of leaping onto leaves.. because a leaf is a scary thing in the yard and he must protect mummy from them! :laugh:

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Guest Angel88

Aww thank you for the lovely comments! his daddy and myself are very proud of our little devil in an angel body :p

he absolutely LOVES socks! he's slowly learning they arn't to be played with... silly boy.

He goes to puppy school every Friday but while walking him recently (we go around the block which takes 10 minutes, only very short walks while he's young)

But he seems to be SOOOOO scared of cars?! We will bring it up on Friday when we go again because he only did it yesterday while walking. Don't want him scared but need to show him cars arn't scary things since we are moving on saturday and we will be living on a main road so we can't risk a fully grown bullmastiff scared of cars..

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Aww thank you for the lovely comments! his daddy and myself are very proud of our little devil in an angel body :p

he absolutely LOVES socks! he's slowly learning they arn't to be played with... silly boy.

He goes to puppy school every Friday but while walking him recently (we go around the block which takes 10 minutes, only very short walks while he's young)

But he seems to be SOOOOO scared of cars?! We will bring it up on Friday when we go again because he only did it yesterday while walking. Don't want him scared but need to show him cars arn't scary things since we are moving on saturday and we will be living on a main road so we can't risk a fully grown bullmastiff scared of cars..

Frank is absolutely gorgeous! :love: My boxer pup was startled by a noisy bus pulling up alongside us on one of our first walks. We spent some time on lead a fair way back from the road just sitting and watching traffic pass by. Gradually we moved closer over several sessions. He is unfazed by traffic now. Joggers and cyclists are another story :laugh:

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Guest Angel88

Aww thank you for the lovely comments! his daddy and myself are very proud of our little devil in an angel body :p

he absolutely LOVES socks! he's slowly learning they arn't to be played with... silly boy.

He goes to puppy school every Friday but while walking him recently (we go around the block which takes 10 minutes, only very short walks while he's young)

But he seems to be SOOOOO scared of cars?! We will bring it up on Friday when we go again because he only did it yesterday while walking. Don't want him scared but need to show him cars arn't scary things since we are moving on saturday and we will be living on a main road so we can't risk a fully grown bullmastiff scared of cars..

Frank is absolutely gorgeous! :love: My boxer pup was startled by a noisy bus pulling up alongside us on one of our first walks. We spent some time on lead a fair way back from the road just sitting and watching traffic pass by. Gradually we moved closer over several sessions. He is unfazed by traffic now. Joggers and cyclists are another story :laugh:

haha! there's hope for us yet!! Will sit by a quiet(ish) street to get him use to traffic noises, I thought maybe play some sounds of traffic in the house so he can get used to it in the house and on the street aswell?

we are trying to socialize him as MUCH as possible since he will be a big boy, I don't want him to be aggressive at all but he growls at strangers on the street but not in puppy class etc? only when we are on walks... he's fine with other dogs but growls when he see's people walking near by, we do correct him and continue walking and he ignores them from then on, I just don't understand what he's growling in the first place?

Puppies, wonderful little things I try so hard to understand :laugh:

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Getting Bruno accustomed to traffic that way worked for us but there may be better ways?

I'm only a newbie on here and not really experienced enough to give any advice :o BUT maybe you could post the question about growling at people while on lead in the Puppy or Training/Obedience threads? There are plenty of qualified and /more experienced people on DOL who might see it there. Good luck with him, he is lovely :)

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