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Straws And Vials - Frozen Semen


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Hi all,

Can someone please confirm for me,

How many straws fit into a vial??? (I am led to believe there are 3 different sizes of vials) If you could tell me how many fit into each of the 3 sizes I would be very greatful.

Thank you


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Straws are diffent than vials. vials contain pellets. Straws..well they look like skinny drinking straws. Depending on the motility and sperm count, will depend on how many of either is considered a breeding unit. Vials do come in different sizes making for different numbers fitting on the 'cane' that is suspended in the liquid nitrogen canister. The small to medium vials are the more common used and I think the small means 8 on a cane or something like that (am trying to remember what mine used to be using the ICSB method of vials/pellets)

Once semen is frozen, regardless of the format, it's not a good idea to thaw and refreeze to a different format because there is always some fatality in the semen everytime this is done, and a low motility to begin with, can mean no motility if this sort of transfer is done. Ideally, thaw and implant only.

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Thanks Angelsun :D ,

The reason I am asking this is because the person who brought the semen into Oz brought in 200+ straws and the post thaw report (done by Monash Vet) says they thawed one 0.25ml straw and tested it etc. However according to Dogs Vic they have the semen registered as "so many" vials. So I thought xxx amount of straws must be in a vial.

Maybe I should just call Dogs Vic and see if they have made a mistake but I don't think they are the gurus on straws/vials/pellets etc so not sure where else to ask appart from calling Monash but hard to speak with the right people.....

Maybe someone else knows something... maybe SWAYD :D

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it could be the case of using a word incorrectly. Many who don't know, beleive that straw and vial are the same thing when in fact, they are very different.

Not a blame game, just lack of knowledge that does that sort of thing.

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My guess is the VCA just the wrong terminology.

Straws are straws, that get placed into a container that is clipped onto a cane.

Pellets go into vials (vials are the container the pellets are stored in)

The vials are then slid/clipped onto a cane.


Edited by SwaY
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Can I ask (slightly off topic) on average how many straws could you get per ejaculation.

Every dog and every ejaculation is different.

I have had the same dog collected and each time it has been different amounts.

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My guess is the VCA just the wrong terminology.

Straws are straws, that get placed into a container that is clipped onto a cane.

Pellets go into vials (vials are the container the pellets are stored in)

The vials are then slid/clipped onto a cane.


Thanks SwaY.... this was very helpful :thumbsup:

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