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How To Deal With Unwanted Mice?


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I've tried the repellers . . . in a caravan, where they should have maximum effect. No effect on mice, whatsoever. Went back to traps. It's easy to put them in places where dogs won't put paws, like the back of a cupboard or next to the toaster.

When we first moved into our house in Adelaide, we noticed a large number of mice and possibly a rat or two. We had horse paddocks behind us, a crop paddock over the road and 1/2 acre blocks either side so we weren't surprised.

We couldn't use bait in case the dogs found and ate the dead or dying mouse. There was also the chance that traditional traps could trap a nose or paw so it ruled that out too.

We found this sonic mouse repeller.

There are a number of varieties on the market but we liked this one because by just adding more units, you can increase the area of protection. Basically it works by emitting a ultra high frequency noise that the mice can't stand (the human equivalent of constantly running fingernails down a blackboard). They can't handle the noise and bug out. It also acts as a repellent to stop more moving in.

The first time we plugged it in, I thought it was faulty because I'd never seen so many mice. In fact, it was driving them out of the walls and roof. Once they'd all vacated, we never saw evidence of another one ever again. When we moved into our current rental, we noticed evidence of mice. We plugged the units in and within days - no more mice.

A completely environmentally friendly, pet friendly (unless you have pet rodents) and mouse friendly (well sort of) way to get rid of and repel mice from the house, shed or whereever you want.

Edited by sandgrubber
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I'm with Ish. We bought the Rat Zapper and have pretty much eradicated the mice in our house, I've only had one mouse in the Zapper in the past 10 days and no sign of mice in the usual areas :thumbsup:

It's about to get relocated to the horse shed as my hubby saw a rat in there the other day ...... but it may have been the rat that was eaten by the dogs on Saturday :vomit: . I guess he'll have had friends though! :)

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