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Acupuncture Advice Please


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Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone could recommend an dog acupuncturist or dog masseuse in the Newcastle or Hunter Valley area? Would also be willing to travel to Sydney or thereabouts if only choice.

My dear little peke Tia is currently on prednisone (steroid) & has just began on cybaratine (chemo drug) for suspected GME & I have noticed her leg muscles in particular are getting weaker. She has trouble standing some days & my vet has said that muscle wastage occurs from the steroid. I was thinking that small walks would also help but have been told that her immune system is compromised & don't want her going out where others have been in case.

I can only think that maybe an acupuncturist or perhaps a doggie massage may help????

If anyone has any other ideas please free to throw them my way

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I just rang a friend of mine who now lives in WA.She has used Bill Wright at Point Clare vet surgery(central coast) and she said he was fantastic.I have not used him myself but I hope this helps.

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Thanks so much stans mum - that was very kind of you to go to that effort for us :thumbsup:

I will definitely look him up as he is certainly close enough for us to travel.

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I also took Indy to Gladesville years ago when he needed acupuncture.


There is John Monroe (Chelmsford Lodge Greyhounds) in the Morisett are and in Syndey Gary Barnsley at Greendale/Luddenham area

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we have been taking our dogs to Gary Barnesly for years and swear by him he gets customers travelling long distances to see him, his son Neil is also very good.the accupuncture works great for Mac my boxer who had a spinal stroke 18mths ago.I hope you get good results with Tia if you can get her off prednazone she will be all the better

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Thankyou for those recommendations.

We are hoping to wean Tia off the prednisone after one more cycle of the cybaratine. She has been on pred for two years now so it is staring to take it's toll I think.

I will definitely look up those recommended so far & see how we go.

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