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Crate Problems Already :(

Guest HarperGD

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Guest HarperGD

So I just put Harper into his crate and closed the door.

He screamed! I know you're supposed to motivate him to want to stay in there by offering treats but he is not interested in any of the treats I have offered him.

Arrrhh. What should I do??

I waited until he was quiet for a moment then walked over, praised him and let him lick some yoghurt off my finger then let him out, but I don't know whether this was the right move?

Heeeellllppppp. I want to do this crate training thing right!

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I saw Harper's pic in the other thread, he's just gorgeous!! Love the name too :)

I'm sure you'll get some more advice from those more knowledgable but I'd say he was just a bit freaked out at yet another change on such a big day for him. He was feeling happy and secure being next to you after his big trip, and when you put him in the crate he probably thought he was going away again or something.

I think if he has something yummy and something comforting in the crate with him (not being fed to him by you) and can see you nearby as you just do stuff and ignore him he'll stop crying and settle eventually. I know it's hard to hear him cry but he really is safe and well in there!

And I would think that once he does quiet down if you just go over, open the door and let him out but totally ignore him for a minute while he comes out and makes a fuss then he won't feel like if he cries in the crate eventually you come, then he gets a treat and gets let out. You want going in and out of the crate to be just part of life, not a big deal one way or the other...

Easy for me to say when I've never done it!! I think I will be crate training my new pup starting in a couple of weeks so then I'll come back and say OMG I had no idea what I was talking about ;)

Edited for clarity

Edited by Saxonpup
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Considering he's just come off a plane, it's not surprising he's stressed at being in the crate, particularly if he's not already crate trained. I agree you should leave the door open. Don't do too much too soon or he'll start to be scared of the crate... Give him a day or so to settle a bit more IMHO.. but then I can't talk, my pup came crate trained :laugh:

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EVERY nice thing lives in the crate ;) snuggle toys/heatpad (instead of a human) or well wrapped H/W bottle .. smelly yummy food .. cover the crate a bit .. have it where he can still see/hear/smell everyone ...

I waited until he was quiet for a moment then walked over, praised him and let him lick some yoghurt off my finger then let him out,


Edited by persephone
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Start off by putting his food in the crate and if he is hungry NO problem he will go in on his own BUT don't close the door yet. Toss his toy in and I am sure he will go in to fetch it out. Please don't be in too much of a rush, he will soon be happy to go in the crate on his own.

For me when I bring a puppy in to the house for crate training I am always close and put the crate beside the bed for the first few nights and in the kitchen during the day.

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My crate training rules are simple.

The crate gets placed in an area of the house where we spend the most awake time.

The crate has bedding, some toys, a hanging water bowl and maybe something to chew on

The pup goes out to the toilet, has a game and is then put in the crate.

If the pup cries and carries on it is ignored.

If the pup settles for a period of an hour or more, it's then outside, to the toilet and we start all over again.

During the night if it cries, it's out to the toilet, no game and back to bed.

ETA: during the day the pusp either hang out with me or spend some time outside. If I want them in the house and I'm busy, it's toilet stop then crate and when I'm done outside to the toilet.

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Guest HarperGD

You're right, I need to start slow.

I actually just drove to Petbarn while my parents (who came over to visit him - not me, HIM haha) stayed and watched him. I bought a bigger crate than he came in and also some pet deli mince and the food he was actually fed by the breeder.

He wolfed the mince down and ate a tiny bit of the dry food soaked in water. Unfortunately he can't chew the treats - too hard, so might have to improvise there.

Here is a pic of my crate set up. I put him in and then leaned in and petted him until he lay down and closed his eyes. He has his heat pad toy puppy next to him (toy on the left, pup on the right ;) haha) :)

Any comments on the set up??


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Guest HarperGD

Well then!

He slept through the night in his crate, waking only occasionally. Took him out when he woke to his toilet.

Today when I got out of the shower and OH was playing with him in the living room I suddenly heard OH going "GOOD BOY! OH WHAT A WONDERFUL GOOD BOY!!"

I went into the living room to see what was going on and turns out Harper had just trotted off to his doggy toilet and used it by himself! :D :D SO excited!

Then, an hour later he did it again.

He's asleep in his crate again now, but I've left the door open 'cos we're just watching TV. Later today we plan to start accustoming him to his doggy play pen so that he's ready for when I go out to work for a few hours on Wednesday. 4 days to prepare him. Hopefully that's enough!

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Guest HarperGD

Play pen is a lot harder as we have just discovered!! Arggh!

We have put it in the living room and have put him in his crate, door open and playpen door open while we sit outside watching tv.

He's staying in his crate asleep but he's not that thrilled when he's awake!

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It's very early days yet!

Expect crying, whining, screaming etc.

There are some things you can do.

Cover the crate fully with a sheet, lift it up and reward puppy if the puppy is quiet, the moment puppy starts whining etc. drop the sheet and wait for the whining to stop and then lift the sheet and reward, repeat, repeat, repeat.


Completely ignore all sounds, it will probably drive you mental but dogs only do what is rewarding so if you're not rewarding the dog with any form of attention when it's being noisey then there is no reason for the dog to continue....could take a week or more.

I highly reccomend the Crate Games DVD that teaches you could to condition your puppy/dog to love its' crate: http://www.agilityclick.com/prod157.htm

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