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My Poodle Pup Has Finally Arrived!

Guest HarperGD

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Guest HarperGD

Our gorgeous new apricot poodle pup Harper George (hence my new user name) is here!


He was very nervous when we picked him up from the airport and the poor little darling had had an accident in his crate during the flight and his little paws were all wet :(

Anyway we got him home and I gave him legs and tummy a quick wash with some doggy shampoo in the bathroom sink - he was SO good, and I kept telling him so :)

Then he had a towel dry and a brush out and now he's as good as new.

He has used his doggy toilet twice (that I made out of some fake grass from bunnings, puppy pad and tray.) I am taking him out to it every hour. Other than that he has just been sleeping (on me and beside me hehe.)

So far he hasn't been that interested in food or water, though I keep offering both. He sort of mouthed some pieces of dry food (Nurto puppy food) but didn't eat them.

I gave him a tiny bit of natural yoghurt on my fingers and he seemed to enjoy that.

I think he's just had too big a morning and needs to sleep it off :)

Attached is a pic. There will probably be a lot more to come!

Sorry it's so big - I haven't done this before!!

We're in love :) :)

Just wondering - can anyone offer any insight into when he might start showing an interest in eating?

Also, any other advice for day 1??

We are going to crate train him (as per Ian Dunbar) but because he was so wound up when we got him home I thought it would be nice for him to sleep next to me on the couch for a while first :)


Edited by HarperGD
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Harper is a beautiful baby:)

I think that,provided you offer the same as what is used to .. he will eat when he's ready . Don't start off hand feeding/coddling .. or he will soon think that is the way he should be fed all the time .... that's how puppies learn .

Start him in the crate ASAP, too .. if that's what you want .. otherwise alongside you will be his 'normal'

Well done with teh toilet training too!!

Remember a good rule is : "start as you mean to go on "

Edited by persephone
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So far he hasn't been that interested in food or water, though I keep offering both. He sort of mouthed some pieces of dry food (Nurto puppy food) but didn't eat them.]

Did the breeder send you information on what he was being fed? It is a good idea to feed the same until he settles in. Crate training is a really good idea, just give him a treat when he goes into the crate.

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:love: He is beautiful.

He will eat when he has recovered from the shock, strangeness & excitement of it all.

I wouldn't be putting him in a crate until bedtime. He has been confined for a long time today.

Let him have some freedom & stretch his body.

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Guest HarperGD

Thanks everyone, we're pretty impressed with him this morning!

My OH hadn't had much time with him yesterday when he arrived because he had to go to a funeral, but he is BESOTTED with him. He can't get enough of his Harper-cuddles. It's so cute :D

He slept in his crate mostly all night - woke us once for the toilet (and also had a bit of a vomit so I think the pet mince he scoffed before bedtime probably wasn't the best idea...) He didn't seem too worried about the vomit though and proceeded to lick at it. I got rid of it before he got too into it though!

He woke us 2 more times, I took him to his toilet both times but he just sat there looking at me so back to the crate he went. I put my hand against the bars to settle him, and both times he went straight back to sleep :) :)

He still had only had one lick of his water so I bought some lactose free milk this morning, mixed a small amount into his water and what do you know - he loved it!

His breeder said he was eating softened supercoat with a bit of mince and milk. So I will be trying to stick to that until he's more settled in.

Right now we're watching tv, he had some of his milk and now he's back in his crate asleep :thumbsup:

Hope we will become more interested in treats today...

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Oh you're making want another puppy!!!!!

Of course if you start telling us about chewing furniture and shoes then I will probably change my mind!!! But I love puppies, make the most of his puppy time and take millions of photos because he will be grown up the next time you blink!!!! :laugh:

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