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Adelaide Nightstalker


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The guy was dressed very casually and had no visible paperwork on him at all. He certainly didn't sound as though he was asking in any kind of official capacity either.

The one that came after my neighbour was dressed casual too. I dunno where the papers were. Some have had them inside a jacket pocket. It's usually just a few pages of A4 so easy to hide inside a jacket. I've never seen one in uniform or dressed in a business suit. Maybe that scares off the people they're looking for - like rattling off a full name wouldn't.

I keep asking questions about why and what kind of documents... and then they have to tell you. At least they've all told me. Never mind I might not have been entirely honest with them but after Terminator "Are you Sarah Conner" who would be?

But it could have been something else.

This happened to me once too. Two guys rocked up on the front porch, and I noticed their car was just a plain silver sedan. They were looking for the previous tennants of my place but they did also mention that they were plain clothes policemen. I think maybe they do it so that if it's something unpleasant that the person doesn't attempt to do a runner straight away? :laugh:

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Although there have been targeted home invasions in Adelaide often with fire arms used, these stalker type invasions for the most part have been random attacks on vulnerable people by opportunists where the police are saying that dogs provide a good deterrent in these types of attacks. The police priority is human safety above animal welfare in the sense of perhaps encouraging the possibility of dogs suffering less than ideal treatment if purchased for a deterrent factor from their suggestion is outside a police agenda.

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;) one night in a melbourne suburb.... there was a search/chase in our block ... policemen knocked on our door - told us to keep everything locked,and if we saw anyone not in uniform in the yard..to set the dogs on him !!

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Although I didn't buy my dogs for protection they sure have come in handy a few times.

Just recently I had a guy jump our fence and I thought the dogs where going off because my OH was home. I let them out and they went after this guy and although Samoyeds are pretty crappy guard dogs this guy ran hell for leather to get away from them.

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