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Adelaide Nightstalker


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I do feel a lot safer with a dog in the house. One that growls if anyone else is walking around. Ie my house guests cannot sneak anywhere, let alone a burglar / pervert.

Personally, if police are advising dogs at home make you safer, it would be nice if councils provided more exercise areas for dogs instead of less.

stalker? article


Just FYI - the article says inner city west eg Croydon etc, but something similar also happened recently in College Park ie inner East.

Adelaide Hills Council, Stirling dog dispute.


edit cut and paste wrong link duh

Edited by Mrs Rusty Bucket
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I do feel a lot safer with a dog in the house. One that growls if anyone else is walking around. Ie my house guests cannot sneak anywhere, let alone a burglar / pervert.

Personally, if police are advising dogs at home make you safer, it would be nice if councils provided more exercise areas for dogs instead of less.

stalker? article


Just FYI - the article says inner city west eg Croydon etc, but something similar also happened recently in College Park ie inner East.

Adelaide Hills Council, Stirling dog dispute.


edit cut and paste wrong link duh

It is good to have a dog around the house. I have always thought that if any house in the street was to be burgled, it would not be mine with all the dogs!

Edited by chevorne
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I live on my own and I wouldn't dream of not having a least one dog around, they are a great deterrent among other things off course :thumbsup:

I don't see It as bad advice at all, obviously I think they would only look into getting one only If they wanted to.

I've had no problems with those annoying door to door sales reps either since I've fenced off the front yard :D

[Dogs are only allowed out front whilst I'm home otherwise they're Inside and out the back]

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I don't live in the city anymore but I used to live in Adelaide. I love walking, sometimes at night in the summer, I always felt safe with my dog...a long haired German Shepard.

I would never walk alone in Adelaide now especially at night without a decent sized dog. A few times I was stopped and asked directions from blokes in cars...Id always put the dog between myself and the car...they all seemed genuine but without the dog I wouldn't have gone anywhere near them to find out.

Yep big dogs make me feel safe!

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I live on my own as well and have two greyhounds.Of course they are not guard dogs but just their size can be a deterent.If a stranger knocks at the door and these two go thundering down the hallway they always backpeddle.Mind you I would like to see a burgular try to outrun them!

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My neighbour informed me that no one would dare attack me when I'm walking Akira because I look like I can't control her. :o She pulls like a steam train and while she'd actually run in the opposite direction of strangers, she looks like a deterrent.

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Dogs don't need to be a "guard dog" even a small dog can be a deterrent to burglars or stalkers as they bark. Any dog that barks is a deterrent.

I agree but mine don't bark so I'm relying on their size.

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There does need to be a better reason to buy a dog than having a stalker around.

Irony is that if the dog did attack a burgler/prowler or anyone entering your home they could probably sue & the dog may be deemed dangerous. Imagine some ladies little yorkie or chihuahua

Cheaper & easier to buy an alarm & a hammer to keep under your pillow.

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In South Australia, it is legal for a dog to defend its family and property.

And ancient pensioners have been aquitted of wrong doing when they shot their intruders with shot gun.

A shot gun might be more effective than a dog, but you'd have to be angry enough to actually use it.

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I live on small acreage,and i would never be without a dog!

Im home alone a lot of the time and have had a break in which scared me,which is another reason my cane corso pup is an inside dog.

I would be too scared to be by myself without a dog,they alert you to the slightest sound, and its scary having this nightstalker on the news!

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Forget the hammer or shotgun next to your bed. Advise I received from police/friend, keep water next to your bed in a glass bottle. It would not be considered a weapon and self-defence is easier to prove.

However, I have an entire male gsd and good luck if you want to break in!

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Just saw this on the news!! Seriously that is what the newsreader said 'Police advise single women perhaps buy a dog'

What awful advice!

No it's not actually bad advice because none of those Adelaide attacks and home invasions have occurred on properties with large dogs. There was one the other night here where a small 7 or 8 kilo dog bit an intruder who decamped leaving a blood trail over the side fence. I actually follow these attacks on the news and think about the situations that occurred applied to my place with my big fellow (GSD) cruising around the house at night, there is no way an intruder would get past him easily or at the least wake us up with the commotion he would make in alert of a problem. My Golden Retriever has a nice bark not that I think he would protect if challenged, but he's big enough and sounds the part.

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I don't live in the city anymore but I used to live in Adelaide. I love walking, sometimes at night in the summer, I always felt safe with my dog...a long haired German Shepard.

I would never walk alone in Adelaide now especially at night without a decent sized dog. A few times I was stopped and asked directions from blokes in cars...Id always put the dog between myself and the car...they all seemed genuine but without the dog I wouldn't have gone anywhere near them to find out.

Yep big dogs make me feel safe!

Not too many people up to no good will take on a GSD or Rotty in a hurry and think twice, it's totally true that walking my GSD's increases my feeling of safety tenfold :D

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We were advised by the police to get a big dog, after a breakin years ago, they said house alarms were no good as people take no notice of them.

Our Shepherds have always made us feel safe since having them, and they have always been inside dogs which makes me feel even safer, the shepherd we have now goes off her head if someone just walks past the house, and she is only 12 months old, and it's funny when you walk your Shepherd around here people tend to cross the street rather than walk past you.

As for our Lab, well I think he would welcome any intruders, he is so soft.

Another good tip is to leave a big pair of mens boots by the front door if you are home alone.


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