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Boxer Puppy Just Had A Fit !


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Hi all, i have a 5 month old boxer puppy who is otherwise fit and healthy, but she just had a small fit..seems ok now

anyone else with this breed have any ideas on what may have caused this and her future as a breeding and showing bitch ???

Thanks appreciate anyones help ...

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a vet check would be my first thought!

Fits can have all sorts of origins ... and IMO it is wise to notify your vet and get some advice . make a note of what she did/ate/played with this morning ...so you can tell the vet .

I hope it was a one-off.

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thanks, yes heading to the vet now, just wanted to hear peoples thoughts as i know sometimes breeders/exhibitors have more insight than vets sometimes and i work in the vet industry...the things you hear !!!

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Thanks everyone, seems as if its probably most likely teething fit or she over exerted and fainted...typical boxer clown...

Thanks again for everyone for their assistance

Will continue to monitor her...


I had a Boxer do that as a pup. She is almost 9 now :-)

She did it about 4 or 6 times over a few weeks. I found that I needed to feed her more regularly (in smaller amounts of course) and it stopped! It also seemed to happen mostly when we arrived home after being out ( typical Boxer excitement :cheer: ). The feeding regime made the difference- my bitch was about the same age too. It must have been something similar to low blood sugar levels maybe?

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Thanks Terujo

Yes i think your right, she has been in confinement due to a leg injury, so has LOTS of energy when she does get out to go toilet, of course this is when it happened.

She is still on 3 feeds a day..Royal Canin

she has been fine so far...hopefully just a one off

I remember as a little kid we had a labrador that did it once and not again, hopefully this will be the same. just gave me a fright !!

Thanks again for everyone's help..

Take care !!!

Thanks everyone, seems as if its probably most likely teething fit or she over exerted and fainted...typical boxer clown...

Thanks again for everyone for their assistance

Will continue to monitor her...


I had a Boxer do that as a pup. She is almost 9 now :-)

She did it about 4 or 6 times over a few weeks. I found that I needed to feed her more regularly (in smaller amounts of course) and it stopped! It also seemed to happen mostly when we arrived home after being out ( typical Boxer excitement :cheer: ). The feeding regime made the difference- my bitch was about the same age too. It must have been something similar to low blood sugar levels maybe?

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