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Housetraining Issue


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Not sure if I have put this in the right place, if not apologies and i hope it can be moved. Anyway, I am having an issue with Tisha. For those unaware, I adopted her in January aged about 13months then. She is perfectly housetrained, til it comes to rain. then she widdles in the house. No particular spot, anywhere at all. She obviously knows she has done wrong, because even if I don;t catch her doing it, her behaviour shows me I need to look for something.

Now, I have not had to housetrain a dog for about 20 years. I am at a complete loss. at the moment i tell her she is naughty and put her out. She has full access to the outside - a doggy door is always available. I have a patio outside, so there is dry area. Whilst it is concrete, this dog doesn;t mind doing her business on the concrete at all (tips for making her go in the garden would be good too, but not a huge issue).

She doesn;t like the rain, although once it stops raining she will walk on wet ground, although not happily. I don;t know what other information to give, other than to say I am treading carefully. She is a kelpie x, and, being an adopted dog, I hesitate at such an early stage to be too forceful as she is timid when in trouble.

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When it's raining, treat her like a puppy and take her out at regular intervals. Yes, that means you will both get wet :laugh: Huge, huge praise when she goes!

Also, if she doesn't already have one, teach her a toilet command. One of mine hates getting her little princess paws wet too, but she will reluctantly go when I give her the command.

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at the moment i tell her she is naughty and put her out.

...and that is possibly why you see a change in her behaviour.... she does not know she has done wrong- but she knows you will react . :(

This training will do nothing to stop her peeing inside,unfortunately.

You should not be at all forceful in anything- timid dog ,kelpie, or not....no need.

What I suggest you do though, is ,when it's NOT raining.. go out with her to toilet, and praise her everytime. Also -whenever you see her toilet outside, use a word - "Quick", "wee" ,whatever... then lots of praise.

diligent, and use lots of praise,and get the timing right - it will be one of the most useful things you learn to teach your dog! ;)

When it's raining... make sure she is is one room -easily cleaned , and preferably with access outside ... if you're home ..put on your coat, and go out with her every couple of hours . I have always walked my dogs in rain, played with my dogs in rain ...so they do not get too precious about being out in the wet ....so I don't have a lot of good training tips for you .

the main one is to NEVER scold /timeout your dog if you have not caught it actually urinating . Never. The dog associates what is doing the second you start scolding .... NOT the wee it did 2 hours ago....

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We've had this problem with our Cavalier lately with so much rain, the little princess would complain about being on the wet grass, wouldn't do his business but would run straight inside and do it. What's seemed to have worked is changing the treat he gets when he does go outside, picked something he goes mental for and only gets it when he goes toilet outside!

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Em went through a stage like this. At the time I was feeding her daily ration through training (i.e. lots of recalls around the house/yard, sitting etc) so I just concentrated on toileting outside in the rain. Every time she toileted in the correct spot she got a 'jackpot' (big handful of biscuits) and I made a huge fuss of drying her off (which she also loves). If she toileted on the deck she got nothing and just ignored. It worked so well that she was running outside every few minutes to squat in the rain - I thought she had a urinary tract infection until I realised what was going on :laugh:

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Do you crate your girl? We have the same Pee Princess act when it's raining. Our 2 spend most of their time outside, and usually only come in for a couple of hours of an evening, even if it's cold and wet(yes, they are real Whippets). Last week, it was so wet outside I had to bring the crate in even though its under cover (in heavy rain the covered area leaks). For some reason, once the crate was inside and the dogs had their den, it was much easier to persuade the Princess to Pee outside.

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My old girl and the pup hate the rain and will toilet outside but usually in inappropriate areas such as on the concrete undercover.

I take them out every 2 hours when I'm home if it's raining to make sure they empty out. The old girl wouldn't have an accident but I don't want to set the pup up for faliure.

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I just put a puppy wee pad out for my girls to use when its raining because the cav usually goes on the concrete which is undercover but she wont go when its raining. Gotta be pychological. The stairs are undercover too so she wouldnt get wet but she refuses to go.

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I make sure I stand with my dog in the rain until she's done her bit and then we go back inside. I have a word I use too so she knows what she needs to do to get back inside.

We used to have an aussie terrier that we used to carry out into the middle of the lawn when it was raining, every few hours, and once her feet were wet, she'd cave and go outside. But if we neglected to carry her out she'd find some out of the way bit of warm dry carpet and go there.

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Em went through a stage like this. At the time I was feeding her daily ration through training (i.e. lots of recalls around the house/yard, sitting etc) so I just concentrated on toileting outside in the rain. Every time she toileted in the correct spot she got a 'jackpot' (big handful of biscuits) and I made a huge fuss of drying her off (which she also loves). If she toileted on the deck she got nothing and just ignored. It worked so well that she was running outside every few minutes to squat in the rain - I thought she had a urinary tract infection until I realised what was going on :laugh:


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