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As the title says, my question is about mucous on dog poo, which both of my dogs occassionally have. (It looks absolutely gross too :laugh: )

I am wondering why it is there, what it's from and is this a cause for worry? Is it a sign of infection? Does anyone else get this (not you, your dog/s :( )

To explain exactly what it's like, it's like a mucousy coating surrounding the poo... I could take a photo if you like :eek:

Sorry for the immaturity I'm displaying, I never got over toilet humour...!

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It's not unusual and tends to depend on the dogs diet...certain dry foods tend to increase the amount...lol. i wouldn't be too worried if it's only occasionally...but if you are concerned...stick some in a bag and surrpise your vet with it..lol.

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someone else may be able to answer this... does this have anything to do with the anal glands??

i don't think it is cause for concern unless it becomes the only thing that you dog is pooing and then you should check with your vet. in humans only pooing mucus is a sign for a number of lower intestinal problems, but a little in normal "movements" is fine.

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Sorry, not a good sign, My youngest pup has a very sensitive stomach, and a lot of foods give him the 'mucous' on his faeces. I did a faecal float to check for any bugs/worms (get this done at a vet's, i'm a nurse) That came back clear so I fed him a exclusive bland diet. I got Waltham 'Low fat' tins, just for convienence, it's just chicken and rice.

He also appeared to have 'tummy pains'.

He came good on that diet, and now the only time he has mucousy (sp) poos is if he eats something else, Pal does not agree with him.

As it's only occassionally, is there a particular food you could attribute it to?

I suggest to change their diets to a bland food, and if after a while there is no improvement, make a trip to the vet.

There are a few diseases where a symptom is the mucousy poo. But don't stress, my boy was really bad and with a dietry change now he is fine.

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One of my dogs had this a few years ago, scooped it up and took it the vet where they checked it out. I was told it was an allergy to something she had eaten...we found that she was allergic to the caramel additive in canned dogs food. I made her own food for her and never had a problem again.

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Mine did this a few times, always after beeing fed a lot of dry food and/or very fatty foods. I shifted him off large quantities of dry food (he still gets half a handfull most mealtimes) and now trim most visible fat off the meat&bones. I also give him two sardines at a time, not the whole can. These changes fixed his problem, but if concerned you should probably talk to the vet :eek:

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thanks Guy,

This happened to me this morning little Lillee did a drop and it was muscous and a little blood.

I had given her a bit of Natures Gift canned food but not much as it was sooo fatty and this explains it.

Back to Devine as she cannot have dry food or bones.

If I change it back and it still happens STRAIGHT TO THE VET.

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I think it may be caused from when I give them some dry food. But they do eat alot of different things (they are mainly on a barf diet)..

Yuck, I don't mind 'poo scooping' but the mucousy ones are really disgusting, can I just rock up to the vet with a mucousy poo?

I'll keep an eye on them, and next time it happens I'll get it checked out (sounds like $$$$$)...

And I'm not exactly sure if it's mainly one of them doing it or both...

So many different responses.

There is never any blood in there...

Are you cold at the north pole InspectorRex?!

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Dogs with food allergies often get colitis..... Zayda used to be a mucous poo girl :rainbowbridge: Its all part of the "fun" of dogs with such problems..... Colitis is a bit of an "irritable bowel" type symptom for such dogs: it happens because the bowel is inflamed by something they are allergic to.

Colitis can also occur because something has irritated the bowel without necessarily being a specific allergen.

As Inspector Rex says its not worth messing with go and see thy vet!!! Yep, you can just rock up with a mucous poo and a fecal float is not too expensive..... Aren't you glad you aren't the one that has to do a test called a "fecal float" though :cry:

Good luck..... hopefully they've just eaten something a bit odd ;)


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Well, I think I have put it down to the dry food. I am going to get off my butt and stop being so lazy feeding dry food. I'll keep an eye on their turds if it happens again I'll surprise my vet with a lovely present. mmmmmm

I have been checking their poos and Leela has been eating some carpet, sticks, bugs and insects, rocks, and a few other foreign objects. She is a twit I swear!

BTW I prefer NSW weather to the north pole... couldn't get a tan there

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My son had giardia in Darwin. Its found in the water. Normally happens when you have high down pours of rain.. It causes terrible stomach aches and it smells absolutely disgusting. for him it was antibiotics and acidopholous (sp?) good gut bacteria drinks/chewable tablets.

Seems there are alot of things to cause the mucous poo in dogs, so I would take a sample to the vet (ewww)

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone, am quite new here and really glad I found some "friends" if I may put it that way. I have a 13 years old GSD but behaves like she is 2 and still look like she is only 8. I got home today and found her in the corner of our bedroom throwing up. She has also pooed and vomitted all over the floor downstairs and upstairs. Poor thing! She must be so distressed. She has quite a sensitive tummy, as she gets older. She used to be able to handle biscuits, bones, little bit of milk, cheese and chocolate (she absolutely goes crazy over them, she once found a box of Roses and ate the whole lot but spat out the wrapper) but now, anything out of the ordinary is a disaster. I tried to work out what doesn't agree with her, but this comes with trial and error (more like disaster) so I try not give not to give her any snacks, even bones does not agree with her. Her runny poo is also mucousy like a film over it. I just worked out what happen to her, two days ago I bought her one of those "busy bones" by Purina from the supermarket, she ate half of it. The next day she wasn't herself, couldn't lie still, and even when she did she won't put her head down. I reached out for the forum, and thought that she is just depressed. But she was eating well, walking fine, poo was normal. Yesterday, her poo started to get a bit runny and she was still "depressed". Middle of the night, she needed to go. Then today, BIG disaster. So we put it down to that bone. She's better now, but if this still goes on the next day or two, we will be taking her to the vet.

BTW, any tips on cleaning vomit/poo and disinfecting of a very light coloured grey carpet? I use vinegar diluted in the warm water, loads of paper towel to dab and get excess moisture out, then pour salt and bicarb, let it dry and then vacumn. If there is a better method, would appreciate your advise.

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I was eating my mashed up weetbix, milk and sugar for breakky when I opened this topic :rofl: ... The dogs have just finnished licking the bowl clean :D

My dogs occasionally get "mucous poo" after eating pressed buffalo skin chews/"bones"...

If your dog has these "bones" occasionally as a treat, try to see whether the mucous poos may be associated (ie : the next morning)

Can it not simply be related to a natural renewal of the bowel/intestine due to a particularly arduous digestion :rofl:

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