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Croydon Trial


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Well behaved dogs are always welcome on lead. :D

You probably know this but I'll say it anyway just in case others read it and don't know - give people plenty of space, especially around entrance and exits to rings, around any random toys/jackpot items on the ground and always ask before allowing your dog to approach anyone else's dog. ;)

There will be a few DOLers there tomorrow :D

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I'll be there as well, bloody early start for Croydon to get a decent carpark :eek:

I'll think of you tomorrow morning from my nice warm bed cuddled up with a couple of kelpies - after getting up at ridiculous hours the past 2 Saturdays I am so looking forward to NOT tomorrow and very glad that I didn't enter - although I suspect the Border Collie might have other ideas if she knew there was a trial happening.

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