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Behaviour After Desexing


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Our 7 month old Pekingese girl was desexed on Tuesday. She was microchipped at the same time (inside of ear tattooed for microchip). Good recovery from anaesthetic and operation. Vet gave us Rimadyl tabs for pain. On coming home, we put her down on the floor and she spun in a circle and opened her bowels. Then settled down for the night.

I stayed home with her the next day so that I could observe for any post op problems, etc.

She has been bright and alert, but not her usually boppy self - but put that down to the fact that she has had surgery and would not be feeling too comfortable. Appetite good throughout, but when you put her bowl down on the floor she would go up to it with interest, but when she put her head down to eat, she would suddenly pull back, bolt off and run in a few circles and then scratch at her ear - always the tattooed one (sometimes associated with licking paw that she was scratching with). There has been no yelping and very little whimpering.

However, if you held onto her and held the bowl up to her, then she would happily eat everything in front of her.

Taken outside for toileting regularly - no problems with same, but still with the bolting off, circling and then settling down to toilet.

Tattooed ear is fine, no ear mites in ears, desexing site fine - no redness, tenderness or swelling.

She had a small vomit over night and a tiny one again this morning but has still retained her appetite.

Of course, I contacted the surgery and took her in for a checkup. Of course, when I put her on the floor there was no bolting or circling - they love to make liars out of you, lol. No temperature, ears fine, no reaction to gentle palpation to abdomen. Vet thinks could be just sooky or there could be an internal stitch pulling a bit.

She has had another antibiotic injection (just in case) and some more Rimadyl tabs.

In respect to the holding her and feeding her with bowl held up to her - I want that to be very much a temporary thing. She is a dog and I want to treat her like one, not a baby, lol...but am pandering to it at the moment if it means she is comfortable enough to eat.

Anyone else had a similar response post desexing or other surgery?

Edited by quesada
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sounds like when the ear flops down it feels weird and she isnt associating it with the ear but the attempt to eat

if she keeps throwing up it could be the Rymadil, not the first dog to get a sick stomach from that stuff. I never use it anymore

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Thanks, Nekhbet. The ear flopping down and feeling weird makes sense.

She ate normally last night with bowl on the floor and polished her dinner off. There has been no more vomiting. When I put her outside to go to the toilet this morning, she immediately did the bolt, circled and then weed...but it was less circling this time and she got down to business much more quickly than yesterday, so hopefully she is on the improve.

She is sitting at my feet and looking up at me as I type...such a sweet girl.

Thanks for the info re Rimadyl - I am looking into another option for her.

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