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Naming Behavours

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So I'm having trouble with comands. When I come up with a new exersize or trick I struggle with what word to put to it. Thinking about when I'm going to use it, what else it might sound like and what the action is. So I started writing a dictonary of the words I use to get my dogs to do something so that when I need a new one I have a refernce point.

Still getting stuck on a few so I thought I would see what other people did.

I'm having the main trouble with naming these

Feet on a target (CD)

Nose touch on a target

Drop on target

Wait on the end of dog walk/Aframe

I can't use touch as I use that for a nose to hand touch. The dogs can do these exersices (well some each) I would like them to do them all as I think it would really helo with my Agility.

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Feet on a target (CD) - I use "paw" for left, "other one" for right. I haven't got a both feet one, but I'd just use "feet".

Nose touch on a target - I use "target".

Drop on target - "Bugger off"

Wait on the end of dog walk/Aframe - I don't have one for that, but I've seen "plank" used if they've been taught with 2o2o on a plank.

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