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Disciplining Other Animals


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My sister had a really old, manky smelling and looking cat and no-one liked to pat it because of said mankiness. I used to take all my dogs over to visit some nights and one of my SBT's was a real licker so she'd get stuck into the cat and groom it to within an inch of its life. It would be dripping wet, even inside the ears and the teeth got cleaned! I'm not sure it liked smelling like dog slobber but it certainly loved the attention and used to prop itself up and purr away while it was getting its makeover. My dog was always very satisfied with her work!

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I have a fun police dog here. Nobody is allowed to get too silly or she puffs out her chest and bumps them. LOL! Poor Leonard (my simple deaf foster kitten) has an even greater barrier because he can't hear the dogs. When I feed the dogs inside, he tries to eat out of their bowl. The dogs aren't usually allowed to do anything even remotely aggressive to the cats, but I had to laugh the other day when Maisie was eating and Leonard was happily sharing the meal while Maisie growled loudly at him! Poor Leonard was completely oblivious!

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