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Administering Herb Robert


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Hi all,

Following on from another thread started in General & also posted here in Health, I have received some dried herb Robert today & am eager to get my girl started.

Can anyone tell me though........Westiemum mentioned she steeps her herbs overnight in water but am unsure if you give the whole mix (herbs & water) to my dog or strain it & only give the liquid? Not sure how to steep the mix either.

Also, can you just give the dried herbs sprinkled on food?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Thanks for your reply.......the herb robert is derived from "geranium robertianum".

I have found a lot of info by googling it - I also found that several health food shops didn't know what I was talking about either when I rang around to see if anyone stocked it.

Edited by esky
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1/2 teaspoon of the herb could be mixed with a

little hot water to soften the dried leaves, and added to the

dogs wet food daily.

I use the dried stems as well and usually leave it to steep overnight

You can buy it from Shipards Herb farm, Nambour Qld

I have copied & pasted the details she sent to me....50 gram pkts of each herb $10 each and pack and post would be $10

We also have plants of these herbs, as people like to get them

growing to have for future use.

Here are a couple of suppliers (I originally bought my seeds & dried from Shipard's as they were helpful with info)



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Hi All,

Yep I've been giving Mac his 'herbal tea' each morning now for 19 days - and only one episode of the aimless growling since and that was last night - so I'm thrilled.

I put some water in his bowl along with 1/2 teaspoon of the dried herb before I go to bed and steep it overnight. I then add his Hills b/d to his 'herbal tea' in the morning and give him the whole mixture for breakfast. He hasn't left a drop yet!

As I've said before there is so little to help these dogs so I thought it was worth a go - and I'm thrilled with the results. He's a much happier westie!

Hope that helps.

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Hi becks - sorry mad week at work and haven't logged on...

At Boronia's suggestion and after her research, a couple of us are trying Herb Robert with our dogs with canine dementia. I seem to be having quite some success with my Mac. You can buy it here

Hope that helps

What are you both using this herb to treat? i missed the other threads about it

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

Just resurrecting this thread with an update:

Mac is continuing to do very well on his herb robert 'herbal tea' - but I now give it to him morning and night and he's tolerating it very well and doesn't leave a drop as long as its mixed with the B/D. It certainly seems to be helping with his canine dementia - he doesn't seem to be going downhill at the moment and the frequency and intensity of his purposeless growling and barking doesn't seem to worsening. No other symptoms of canine dementia seen - so so far so good.

Genuinely not completely sure whats working here but since the herb robert was added into his regime he does seem better and more 'with it' - a happier westie.

His regime at the moment is a sprinkle of herb robert (about a teaspoon?) in water steeped overnight for the next morning then 1/2 a 50 mg vivitonin tab 1/2 an hour before breakfast and 1/4 a cup of the Hills B/D added to the herb robert tea in the morning - he then gets that mixture for breakfast - I know its not much but he stacks on the weight if I give him anymore of the B/D and then I get in trouble with my vet! Then when I get home at night, he gets 1/2 a vivitonin tab 1/2 an hour before dinner and then I steep the herb robert for half an hour and add the 1/4 cup B/D and give him a little of Jo's raw meat formula and a handful of veggies - he then gets that mixture for dinner.

Phew! And yes I had to really concentrate hard to get into this routine successfully but now its really easy, automatic.

This seems to be working for the moment - and I'll review it if he seems to be going downhill at some stage...

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