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When The Time Draws Near


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My girl Sophie,s time is drawing near I am afraid. She hasn't been very well since her last cartrophen injection 3 weeks ago, she vomited and had trouble swallowing food for a few days. That resolved itself but her appetite has gone and she has lost interest in food. She still drinks water and toilets herself but rejects all food except raw eggs!

Today I feed her a tin of SD ad wet food.

I did notice she was breathing heavier than normal prior to the injection.I took her back to the vet who said she had a rapid heart beat and to take her off Prolet medication. Six years ago she had her spleen removed with a stage 2 Hemangisarcoma. My vet thinks the cancer may have appeared elsewhere.

Sophie is now 13.7 year old and I think for a GSD that is a pretty good innings.

She is sleeping on her bed in my bedroom now, she is in no pain at all.

But sometime in the few days I will have to make that decision.Blast old age!

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:hug: it breaks your heart when you realise the time is near.

With our rottie he was doing so well ... then suddenly he went downhill barely moving off his bed. He lost interest in his food and even his favourite squeaky toys. For 2 days I cried my eyes out and willed him to get better but looking into his eyes I just knew he was tired and wanted to go. As much as I loved him - I realised I loved him too much to see him suffer any more ... so he got his wings while he layed in my arms and I was telling him how much I loved him. :cry:

It is hard but you will know deep inside when it is time ...

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13 is a really good age for a GSD, I guess sometimes that makes it harder to say goodbye. I too dread that day. Casper is not yet 10 but has issues which I think might keep him from reaching that ripe old age of 13...I hope I am wrong though.

Big hugs to you. You know when you make that decision, it will be with love in your heart. Enjoy Sophie's every minute.

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We do worry if we are being selfish when it comes to that stage.When they have more bad days than good, that is the time to let them go.

My rule is to keep notes on a calendar - if at bedtime I think that dog has had a good or a reasonable day, it's a plus marked on next to their initial. If I think they've had a miserable day, it''s a minus. When they have more minuses than pluses in a week and you can't see any chance for improvement, you know it's time.

Sometimes they make up their own minds and let you know, but not always.

Hugs to you. It's so hard at this stage.

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You'll know when the time is right. I thought our time had come a few weeks ago, and thank goodness the vet I was dealing with said to at least give Em a chance for the next day or so (I was not particularly rational at that point!). She's doing really well now and the vet's really happy with her progress and we're close to out of the woods.

But I think it's the one time you really do need to follow your heart because it and your dog will tell you when the time is right, as heartbreaking as it will be.


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Where in the same boat asking ourselfs when the time is right with Buddy our 12 year old male golden retriever his turning 13 in august this year. Right now his happy,eating and drinking, Only problem is he can no longer go for walks everyday cause he sometimes falls over. He drags his back right leg and sometimes trips over it, He still plays with his toys and will fetch a few times but other then that his body won't let him do much.

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My heart goes out to you ,I am in exactly the same heart wrenching space ,with my 11year old beloved Sassie ,she has a torn crutal ligament & Cancer ,the vets wont operate, as they say its just a matter of time .

Having been through this heart wrenching dessision before ,I can only say You will *know * when the time has come ,to lift them up on the wings of angels.

Thanku rural pug for yr advise ,any support in times like this sure does help .

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Where in the same boat asking ourselfs when the time is right with Buddy our 12 year old male golden retriever his turning 13 in august this year. Right now his happy,eating and drinking, Only problem is he can no longer go for walks everyday cause he sometimes falls over. He drags his back right leg and sometimes trips over it, He still plays with his toys and will fetch a few times but other then that his body won't let him do much.

You are fortunate in that Buddy is still eating. The leg problem you can work with and help him around if needs be.My girl has stopped eating, but still drinking water.She is getting no better, just holding her own and sleeping a lot.I am giving her one more day and then I will call the vet.

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